Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > § 11.11 Notification. - Appendix R Patent Rules

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§ 11.11 Notification. - Appendix R Patent Rules

§ 11.11 Notification.

A registered attorney or agent must notify the OED Director of his or her postal address for his or her office, up to three e-mail addresses where he or she receives e-mail, and business telephone number, as well as every change to any of said addresses, or telephone numbers within thirty days of the date of the change. A registered attorney or agent shall, in addition to any notice of change of address and telephone number filed in individual patent applications, separately file written notice of the change of address or telephone number to the OED Director. A registered practitioner who is an attorney in good standing with the bar of the highest court of one or more States shall provide the OED Director with the State bar identification number associated with each membership. The OED Director shall publish from the roster a list containing the name, postal business addresses, business telephone number, registration number, and registration status as an attorney or agent of each registered practitioner recognized to practice before the Office in patent cases.

[Added, 69 FR 35427, June 24, 2004, effective July 26, 2004]



Address change...
10.11, 11.11
Advertising... 10.31, 10.32
Agents, registration of... 11.6
Agreements restricting practice... 10.38
Aliens... 11.6, 11.9
Applicant for patent, representation of... 1.31, 11.10
Attorneys, recognition of to practice in trademark cases... 10.14
Attorneys, registration of to practice in patent cases... 11.6, 11.7


Breach of trust... 10.23
Business transactions or relations with client... 10.65


Candidate for judicial office... 10.103
Canons and disciplinary rules... 10.20 - 10.112
Certificate of mailing... 1.8, 10.23, 10.141
Certification effect of signature... 10.18
Circumventing a disciplinary rule, amendment... 10.23
Code of Professional Responsibility... 10.20 - 10.112
Coercion, Use of... 10.23
Committee on Discipline... 10.4
Communicating with person having adverse interest... 10.67
Communications concerning practitioner's service... 10.31
Compensation for legal services... 10.68
Competence... 10.76, 10.77
Complaint instituting disciplinary proceedings... 10.134
Concealment of material information... 10.23
Conduct in proceeding before Office... 10.89
Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice... 10.23
Conflict of interest... 10.66
Conviction of criminal offense... 10.23


Deceit... 10.23
Decisions of the Commissioner... 10.156, 10.157

Affidavit... 10.1
Agent... 11.6
Application... 10.1
Canon... 10.20
Confidence... 10.57
Differing interests... 10.1
Director of Enrollment and Discipline... 10.1
Disciplinary rule... 10.20
Excessive legal fees... 10.36
Excluded practitioner... 10.1
Giving information... 10.1
Invention development services... 10.23
Law firm... 10.1
Lawyer... 10.1
Legal counsel... 10.1
Legal profession... 10.1
Legal service... 10.1
Legal system... 10.1
Non-practitioner... 10.1
Office... 10.1
Person... 10.1
Practitioner... 10.1
Proceeding before the Office... 10.1
Professional legal corporation... 10.1
Registration... 10.1
Respondent... 10.134
Secret... 10.33, 10.57
State... 10.1
Suspended practitioner... 10.1
Tribunal... 10.1
United States... 10.1

Designation as registered attorney or agent... 10.34
Direct contact with prospective clients... 10.33
Director of Enrollment and Discipline:

Appointment... 11.2
Duties... 11.2
Review of decisions of OED Director... 11.2

Disbarment from practice on ethical grounds... 10.130
Discharge of attorney or agent by client... 10.40
Disciplinary proceedings and investigations:

Administrative Law Judge... 10.139
Administrative Procedures Act... 10.132, 10.144
Review of interlocutory orders by Administrative Law Judge... 10.139
Amendment of complaint... 10.145
Amendment of pleadings... 10.145
Answer to complaint... 10.136
Appeal of initial decision of Administrative Law Judge... 10.155
Burden of proof... 10.149
Certificate of mailing... 1.8, 10.141
Complaint... 10.134
Contested case... 10.138
Deliberations of Committee on Discipline... 10.4
Discovery (see also Discovery in Disciplinary Proceedings)... 10.152
Exception to ruling... 10.150
Filing papers after complaint filed... 10.141
Hearings before Administrative Law Judge... 10.144
Initial decision of Administrative Law Judge... 10.139, 10.154
Initiating disciplinary proceeding... 10.132
Investigations of violations of disciplinary rules... 10.131
Notice of suspension or exclusion of practitioner... 10.159
Objections to evidence... 10.150
Post hearing memorandum... 10.153
Pre-hearing statement... 10.153
Reinstatement of suspended or excluded practitioner... 10.160
Reprimand of registered attorney or agent... 10.130, 10.132
Resignation of practitioner... 10.133
Review of Commissioner's final decision... 10.157
Review of decision denying reinstatement of practitioner... 11.2
Savings clause... 10.161
Service of complaint... 10.135
Settlement of complaint... 10.133
Stay pending review of interlocutory order... 10.139
Supplemental complaint... 10.137

Disciplinary rule violation

Disclosure of... 10.23, 10.24, 10.84, 10.85, 10.131

Discourteous conduct... 10.89
Discovery in disciplinary proceedings:

Copying of documents... 10.152
Cross-examination... 10.152
Deliberations of committee on discipline... 10.4
Depositions... 10.151
Evidence... 10.150, 10.152
Impeachment... 10.152
Inspection of documents... 10.152
Interrogatories... 10.152
Motions filed with Administrative Law Judge... 10.143, 10.152
Privileged information... 10.152
Undue delay in proceedings... 10.152

Division of legal fees... 10.37
Duress, use of... 10.23
Duty to make counsel available... 10.30



Acceptance... 10.39
Failure to carry out contract... 10.84
Refusing employment... 10.62, 10.63, 10.66
Withdrawal from employment... 10.40, 10.63, 10.66

Exception to ruling... 10.151
Excessive legal fees... 10.36
Exclusion of practitioner... 10.130, 10.132, 10.158


Failure to disclose material fact with regard to registration... 10.22
Failure to notify client... 10.23
False accusations... 10.23
False statements concerning officials... 10.102
Favors, improperly bestowing... 10.23

Petition to review decision of Director of Enrollment and Discipline... 11.2
Registration... 11.8
Registration examination... 11.7
Reinstatement... 10.11

Fees for legal services... 10.36
Firm name, use of... 10.35
Fitness to practice before the Office... 10.23
Foreigners... 10.14, 11.6, 11.9
Former Patent and Trademark Office employees... 10.23, 11.7, 11.10
Fraud or inequitable conduct... 10.23, 10.85
Frivolous complaint... 10.23
Funds of client, preserving identity of... 10.112


Gift, improperly bestowing... 10.23
Government employees, registration of to practice in patent cases... 11.10


Illegal conduct involving moral turpitude... 10.23
Illegal fees for services... 10.36
Improper alteration of patent application... 10.23
Improper execution of oath or declaration... 10.23
Improper influence... 10.23
Improper signature... 10.18, 10.23
Improperly bestowing thing of value... 10.23
Incompetence... 10.77, 10.78
Indecent statement, making of.... 10.23
Independent professional judgment, exercise of... 10.61, 10.62, 10.66, 10.68
Individual unqualified in respect to character, education, etc.... 10.22, 11.7
Influence by others than client... 10.68
Information precluding registration, failure to disclose... 10.22
Initial decision of Administrative Law Judge... 10.139,... 10.154
Integrity and competence of the legal profession, maintaining of... 10.22
Interest in litigation or proceeding before Office, acquiring of... 10.64
Investigation of violations of disciplinary rules... 10.131


Joint venture... 10.23
Judicial office, candidate for... 10.103


Legal fees:

Division of... 10.37
Failure to pay... 10.40
Sharing of... 10.48

Legal system, assistance in improving the... 10.100
Letterheads, use of... 10.35
Limited recognition to practice in patent matters... 11.9


Malpractice, limiting client's liability... 10.78
Materially false statements in application for registration... 10.22
Misappropriation of funds... 10.23
Misconduct... 10.23
Misrepresentations... 10.22, 10.23
Multiple employment... 10.66


Neglecting legal matters... 10.77
Non-practitioner, formation of partnership with... 10.49
Notice of suspension or exclusion... 10.159


Oath requirement... 11.8
Officials, contact with... 10.93



Reinstatement... 10.160
Review decision of Commissioner... 10.157
Review decision of Director of Enrollment and Discipline... 11.2
Suspension of rules... 10.170

Preserve secrets and confidence of client... 10.56, 10.57
Professional impropriety, avoiding appearance of... 10.110, 10.111
Promise of advantage, offer of... 10.23
Property of client... 10.112
Proprietary interest in subject matter... 10.64
Publication in Official Gazette... 10.11, 10.159, 10.160


Recognition to practice before the Patent and Trademark Office:

Agents... 10.14, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7
Aliens... 10.14, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7
Attorneys... 10.14, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7
Change of address, requirement to notify Director... 10.11, 11.11
Examination for registration in patent cases... 11.7
Examination fees... 1.21, 11.7
Foreigners... 10.14, 11.6, 11.9
Former Patent and Trademark Office employees... 10.23, 11.7, 11.10
Government employees... 10.23, 11.10
Limited recognition in patent cases... 11.9
Non-lawyers, recognition in trademark cases... 10.14
Recognition for representation... 1.34, 10.14
Refusal to recognize practitioner... 10.15
Register of attorneys and agents in patent cases... 10.5
Registration fee... 1.21
Registration number... 1.34
Removal of attorneys and agents from the register... 10.11
Representation by registered attorney or agent in patent cases... 1.31
Requirements for registration... 11.7
Review of Director's decision refusing registration... 11.2
Trademark cases... 10.14
Unauthorized representation by an agent... 10.31, 11.10

Records, property and funds of client, maintaining of... 10.112
Reinstatement after removal from the register... 10.11
Reinstatement of suspended or excluded non-practitioner... 10.160
Representing client within bounds of the law... 10.85
Reprimand of registered attorney or agent... 10.130, 10.132
Resignation... 10.133


Scandalous statements, making of... 10.23
Secrets and confidence, preservation of clients... 10.56,... 10.57
Settlement of claims of clients... 10.67
Sharing legal fees... 10.48
Signature and certificate of practitioner... 10.18
Solicitation... 10.32, 10.33
Statement concerning officials, making false... 10.102
Suspension of practitioner... 10.23, 10.130, 10.132, 10.158
Suspension of rules... 10.170


Threats of criminal prosecution... 10.88
Threats, use of... 10.23


Unauthorized practice... 10.14, 10.23, 10.31, 10.46, 10.47
Undignified conduct... 10.89


Violating duty of candor and good faith... 10.23
Violation of disciplinary rule, misconduct... 10.23


Withdrawal from employment... 10.40
Withdrawal material information... 10.22, 10.23
Witnesses... 10.63, 10.92


Zealously representing the client... 10.83, 10.84

PART 15 - [Reserved]

[Part 15 removed and reserved, 61 FR 42807, Aug. 19, 1996]

PART 15a - [Reserved]

[Part 15a removed and reserved, 61 FR 42807, Aug. 19, 1996]


Subpart A - General Provisions

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