Branch of Budget and Performance
Habitat and Resource Conservation



USFWS Customer Service Center

Division of Habitat and Resource Conservation
4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 840
Arlington, Virginia 22203
703/358-2161 & 703/358-2183

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reflections on a lakeBudget and Performance information helps the Administration, Congress, and public we serve understand what it takes to deliver quality conservation results for the benefit of fish, wildlife, and people.

The Branch provides leadership, guidance, and coordination for the Division’s budget and all assignments related to budget and performance integration. This includes providing guidance and support to the Division and Branch Chiefs, coordinating with the FHC Office of Program Operations, other FHC and Service programs, the Division of Budget, and the Department of the Interior and Office of Management and Budget.  Our goal is to secure sufficient resources for the Service to work effectively with others to conserve, restore, and enhance fish and wildlife habitat today and for the future.

Success requires management excellence – excellence defined by results.  How do we achieve intended results in a complex world with increased urbanization, growing demand for improved service and accountability, aging infrastructure, and emerging conservation issues such as climate change?

Are we delivering anticipated outcomes? Are we efficient in doing so? How do we know? Are we effectively measuring and efficiently reporting our progress?  Can the public easily review our results?Meeting these challenges requires focus on mission clarity, priorities, good metrics, and measurable goals linked to financial and budget information.  The Service uses an Activity-Based Cost and Performance system to track and synthesize cost data associated with delivering results.  The Branch evaluates program ABC data, and has responsibilities to enter accomplishment data, and annual and long-range program performance targets into the Service’s Enterprise Planner system.Achieving management progress requires continued program evaluation.  The Branch coordinates reporting and assists FHC Divisions with the Program Improvement Plan for the 2006 PART review of the Service’s Habitat Conservation programs.

The Branch directs and manages the formulation, justification, presentation, and execution of the Service’s budget for: Project Planning, Coastal Barrier Resources, National Wetlands Inventory, and Marine Mammals program work (i.e., subactivities 1122, 1124, 1125, 1351, and 1352).  At any given time, we are working on three or more budgets: audit/close-out of prior fiscal years, execution of the present fiscal year, justification/presentation of the next fiscal year, and formulation of the out-year budget. 

Budget and performance management improvement is an ongoing, iterative process. Through continuous improvement, we can achieve the high performance necessary to achieve our habitat conservation goals.


Last updated: November 6, 2008
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