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America’s fish and other aquatic resources are among the world’s richest, they help the Nation grow by providing enormous social, economic, and ecological benefits. The Service’s Fisheries Program has played a vital role in conserving America’s fisheries since 1871, and today is a key partner with States, Tribes, Federal agencies, other Service programs, and private interests in a larger effort to conserve fish and other aquatic resources. The Program consists of almost 800 employees nationwide, located in 64 Fishery Resource Offices (including a Conservation Genetics Laboratory), 70 National Fish Hatcheries, 9 Fish Health Centers, 7 Fish Technology Centers and a Historic National Fish Hatchery. These employees and facilities provide a network that is unique in its broad on-the-ground geographic coverage, its array of technical and managerial capabilities, and its ability to work across political boundaries and embrace a national perspective. The Program supports the only Federal hatchery system, with extensive experience culturing more than 100 different aquatic species. Visit the program links below to know more.

The Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance Program:
bulletNational Fish Passage Program
bullet Conserving America's Fisheries
     bullet Fisheries Program Vision for the Future
bullet Alaska Subsistence Fisheries Management
bullet Interjurisdictional Fisheries Management
bullet Native Fish Conservation
bullet The National Fish Habitat Action Plan
bullet Locations of Fisheries Management Offices
bullet Fisheries Strategic Plan

The National Fish Hatchery System:
bullet National Fish Technology Centers
bullet National Fish Health Centers
bullet National Aquatic Animal Drug Approval Partnership

Fish and Aquatic Habitat links:
bullet Coastal and estuarine habitat restoration through the Coastal Program
bullet Habitat restoration through the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program

For recreational fishing information, visit the Fish and Wildlife Service's Fishing site.


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