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Participant Guides

 We recommend printing these participant materials front to back to conserve. 

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 Participant Materials Availability

Sep 23
We recommend printing these participant materials front to back to conserve.
DOI 2008 Annual Ethics Handout - (word) 16 pages

Sep 30
We recommend printing these participant materials front to back to conserve.
Introduction to Evaluation of Interpretation and Education (pdf) - 52 pages

 Class Evaluations - available 2 weeks after class has occurred.

 21st Century Relevance: Increasing Visitor & Partner Participation by Reflecting the Diversity of America 18 pages
   Pre-course assignment;  Powerpoint Slides of course (pdf) 16 pages; Related Articles of Interest (pdf) 5 pages

 Adaptive Management Overview & Orientation (website)

 Avian Mortality Surveillance: Getting Your Ducks in a Row to Prepare for H5N1 (pdf) March 16, 2006 - 19 pages

Avoiding the Looming Black Hole: Managing Electronic Records for New and For the Future (pdf) - July, 2008 - 27 pages
Presentation Slides (pdf) - 16 pages

Basics for Iron Fencing Care Care (pdf) 15 pages;       Presentation Slides (pdf) 16 pages

    Pre-course Reading assignments:  Ethics & Philosophy-1 page; Secretary of Interior’s Standards-4 pages;     Secretary of Interior’s Guidelines-6 pages

 Bloodborne Pathogens: Breaking the Chain of Infection (pdf) May 2005 - 46 pages

 Building a Partnership Workplace (pdf) Sep 2, 2004 - 21 pages

 Communication: The Key to Performance Management (pdf) rev. Apr 2007 - 16 pages; Presentation Slides (pdf) - 20 pages

 Conducting Administrative Grievances (pdf) Sep 25, 2006 - 27 pages

 Confined Space Entry Program Implementation Workshop (pdf) rev. Aug 19, 2005 - 42 pages
   Participant Guide - Part 1 (24 pages) Participant Guide - Part 2 (37 pages)

 Congratulations, You're the Collateral Duty Safety Officer (CDSO) (pdf) rev. 12/06 - 43 pages

 Congressional Actions and the NPS (pdf) Jan 20, 2006 - 48 pages Powerpoint Slides (ppt) - 77 slides

 Dealing with Misconduct (pdf) rev. Aug 2007 - 30 pages

 Do We Have All The Pieces? Strengthening the NPS Through Civic Engagement (pdf) August 15, 2007 - 48 pages

 DOI Ethics
   Nov 2006 (powerpoint handouts) pdf - 22 pages

 DOI Learn Status Update: Briefing for the NPS Human Capital Community (pdf) 16 pages

 Early Detection Surveillance for Avian Influenza: What FWS Field Staff Need to Know (pdf) Jun 2006 - 33 pages

Effective Interpretive Media (pdf) - 3 pages, revised Feb 2008

 Electronic Control Weapon Instructor Bridge Training - available on the FLETC website

 Emerging Leaders Consortium
   Wanted: Leaders Willing to Serve and Take Action! (pdf) 4/27/04 - 32 pages
   Negotiations: The Essence of Management and Leadership (pdf) 5/17/04 - 29 pages
   Congressional Actions and the National Park Service (pdf) 6/23/04 - 46 pages
   Ethical Leadership: Dilemmas and Decisions (pdf) 7/23/04 - 17 pages
   Practical Skills for Leaders - Taking A Stand (pdf) 9/27/04 - 31 pages
   Communication Collaboration Connection: Building Leadership Potential (pdf) 10/21/04 - 23 pages
   Optimizing Your Attitude, Energy and Focus (pdf) 12/7/04 - 23 pages and Goleman's E1 Competencies (pdf) 2 pages
   Strategic Communication Tactics (pdf) 12/8/04 - 26 pages

Employee Due Process

Effective KSA Writing (pdf) rev. Jun 2006 - 36 pages; Foundation Competencies (pdf) May 2006 - 2 pages

Essential Records Management in the National Park Service (pdf) rev. Jun 2006 - 23 pages
   NPS-19. Appendix B (Rev. 5-03) - (pdf) - 71 pages

Essentials for Cemetery Monument Care (pdf) rev January 2008 - 28 pages;  Appendices (pdf) 21 pages; NCPTT Info (pdf) 3 pages
    Presentation Slides (pdf) 30 pages presentation slides not necessary for class)

    Pre-course Reading assignments:  Ethics & Philosophy-1 page; AIC Code of Ethics-11 pages; Secretary of Interior’s Standards-4 pages;     Secretary of Interior’s Guidelines-6 pages; Stopping the Hands of Time Article-2 pages

Ethics "Train the Trainer"
   Participant Guide - Part 1 (14 pages) Participant Guide - Part 2 (14 pages) PowerPoint Slides (36 slides)

Facility Management Workforce Development Process-A Roadmap to Your Future (pdf) Feb 2006
   Facility Management Workforce Development Guide (pdf) Feb 2006 - 74 pages

Fall Protection Awareness (pdf) Sep 28, 2004 - 24 pages  

Fall Protection Awareness Reference Manual (pdf) Sep 28, 2004 - 41 pages (document not needed for TEL course)

Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act of 2004 - How This New Legislation Affects the NPS
   Guidance Concerning Title VIII-Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act of H.R. 4818 - (pdf) 4 pages
   Title VIII-Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act of 2004 - (pdf) 21 pages
   Transmittal of Director's Order 75A: Civic Engagement and Public Involvement - (pdf) 20 pages
   Course powerpoint slides - (pdf) 15 pages

Federal Resume Writing Workshop (pdf) April 2005 - 48 pages

From Hugger to Harasser: The True Story Behind Sexual Harassment (pdf) rev. April 2007 - 26 pages; Slides (pdf) 17 pages

Fundraising Basics (pdf) - August 1, 2007 - 65 pages
Fundraising Readiness (pdf)

Hazard Tree Safety: Getting to the Root of the Problem (pdf) Jun 21, 2006 - 20 pages

Hearing Loss Prevention Program Implementation Workshop (pdf) rev. Jun 07 - 30 pages

Hearing Loss Prevention: It Sounds Good To Me! (pdf) rev. Sep 15, 2004 - 13 pages

Heat Injury Prevention: Cool Ideas on a Hot Topic! (pdf) May, 27, 2004 - 19 pages

Help Select America's World Class Treasures - Revising the U.S. World Heritage Tentative List (pdf) - 25 pages

Heritage Education at Risk: Why We Must Engage Formal Education Systems (pdf) - 11 pages Presentation Slides (pdf) - 17 pages

Hiring Flexibility: Navigating Through the Hiring Process (pdf) rev. 2/07-24 pages; Presentation Slides (pdf) - 16 pages

How to Start a Sustainable Tourism Program

   Case Study (pdf) 7 pages
   Title 5 CFR Part 432 (pdf) 6 pages
   Title 5 CFR Part 752 (pdf) 14 pages
   DOI Performance Appraisal Handbook (pdf) 67 pages/not needed for course but valuable tool for supervisors

IDP Effective Interpretive Writing (Module 230) (pdf) Feb 24, 2006 - 8 pages

IDP Interpretive Media Development (Module 311) website:

IDP Present an Effective Curriculum-based Program (Module 270) (pdf) Mar 2006, 17 pages Pre-course Assignment

IDP The Interpretive Analysis Model (pdf) 3 pages; Powerpoint Slides (ppt) 19 slides & Analysis Model (pdf) - 10 pages

INT Informal Visitor Contacts (pdf) rev. May 2008 - 7 pages

INT Interpretive Coaching Participant Guide & Pre-course Assignment (pdf) 14 pages, April 2007
   Pre-course assignment will take 30-60 minutes.

INT Interpretive Techniques (pdf) April, 2007 - 6 pages

INT Program Organization and Interpretive Themes (pdf) rev. May 2007 - 9 pages; Powerpoint Slides - (pdf) - 37 pages
    (please note there is a pre-course reading assignment in the participant guide).

Interpretive Writing (pdf) - May, 2008 - 8 pages

Interpretation and Education Renaissance Action Plan Meeting (pdf) Nov 17, 2006 - 12 pages

Interpretive Media Development (pdf) rev. Jun 2006 - 2 pages

Interpretive Talks, Walks and Tours (pdf) rev. May 2007 - 3 pages

Interview Skills for Supervisors: Finding the Best Match - (pdf) rev Feb 2007 - 34 pages; Presentation Slides (pdf) 22 pages Interview Template
DOI NPS Crediting Plan

Interviewing Skills for Employees (pdf) revised June 2006 - 32 pages

Interpreting Controversy (pdf) Jan 13, 2005 - 12 pages and Controversy and 340 (pdf) Jan 13, 2005 - 29 pages

Introduction to Historic Preservation History and Philosophy (pdf) rev. Feb 2006 - 48 pages
   Powerpoint Slides - Day 1 (52 slides) rev. Feb 2006 and Day 2 (43 slides) rev. Feb 2006
   Final Assignment (pdf) - 2 pages

Introduction to the Servicewide Comprehensive Budget Call (SCC) (pdf) Aug 2006 - 45 pages;  Slides (pdf) 49 pages

Introduction to the New Web Based Federal Land Recreation Act Fee Program
   Powerpoint Slides (ppt) 48 pages
   Intro to the New Web Based Federal Land Recreation Act Fee Program Participant Guide (pdf) 28 pages
   FY2006 SCC Fees Final (pdf) 11/17/2005 - 5 pages
   Guidance PMIS-FMSS (pdf) 12/13/2004 revised final - 13 pages
   Interagency REA Handbook (pdf) 11/17/2005 - 31 pages
   Fee Template - (xls) 11/2005 - 2 pages - this needs to be printed on legal size paper

It is the Dose That Makes the Poison-Understanding Exposure Assessment (pdf) rev. March 2005 - 14 pages

Job Hazard Analysis: Identifying Risks Sooner Rather Than Later! (pdf) Jan 6, 2005 - 20 pages

Law Enforcement course materials can be obtained @ the FLETC website

Leadership: National Parks...Servicing America Today and Tomorrow (pdf) 32 pages

Leave Administration: The Mystery Unraveled (pdf) rev. 11/06 - 20 pages; Presentation Handout Slides (pdf) - 27 pages

Maintaining Historic Buildings - Exteriors (pdf) 5/12/2006 - 12 pages
  Pre-course reading assignment (pdf) - 1 page; Course powerpoint slides (pdf) - 30 pages
  Maintaining Historic Building Exteriors Brief (pdf) - 16 pages

Managing Performance (pdf) rev. Dec 12, 2002 - 22 pages

Managing Electronic Records for Now and For the Future (pdf) rev. Jun 2007 - 26 pages

Managing Workers Compensation Cases - Part 1 (pdf) rev 4/07 - 41 pgs; also available on the Risk Management website.

Managing Workers' Compensation Cases: Finding Your Way Through the Maze, Part 2 (pdf) April 2008 - 46 pages (Scroll to the bottom of page to find 'Click here to download')

Natl Interp & Education Evaluation Summit-Keeping the National Parks Relevant in the 21st Century
   Servicewide I & Evaluation Strategy (pdf) Oct 26, 2006 - 7 pages

New Performance Management System (pdf)
   DOI 5 Level Performance Management - 12 pages & Performance Appraisal Handbook - 67 pages
   The New Performance Management System Powerpoints

NPS Occupational Safety & Health Executive Overview - (pdf) May 24, 2006 - 21 pages

NPS Roundtable with the Deputy Director Transcript (pdf) December 7, 2005 - 13 pages

NPSafe Overview for NPS Leadership: Managing For Safety Is The Right Thing To Do! (pdf) Aug 14, 2004 - 36 pages

NPSafe Overview for NPS Employees: Everyone Can Make A Difference! (pdf) Aug 23, 2004 - 35 pages

Obtaining Grants to meet YOUR Needs (pdf) Sep 2006 - 56 pages; Grant Planning assignment

Occupational Safety and Health Overview for NPS Employees: Safety is Everyone's Job (pdf) Jun 2006 - 17 pages

Occupational Safety and Health Overview for NPS Executives (pdf) May 2006 - 21 pages

Occupational Safety and Health Overview for Supervisors: Providing Leadership for Safety Excellence (pdf) May 2006 - 26 pages

Overview of Cultural Resources Protection Law-Segment 1 of 3 agenda & session 1-3 summaries - March 2008

Overview of Cultural Resources Protection Law-Segment 2 of 3 agenda & session 1-3 summaries - March 2008

Overview of Cultural Resources Protection Law-Segment 3 of 3 agenda & session 1-3 summaries - March 2008

Personal Protective Equipment (pdf) rev. Mar 30, 2006 - 22 pages

Personal Safety and Security: What Every Employee Should Know - pdf - Aug 1, 2005 - 11 pages

Planning Effective Use of Your Workforce (pdf) rev. Mar 2007 - 16 pages; Presentation Slides (pdf) 16 pages

PMIS III Creating an Effective PMIS Entry (pdf) 74 pages; Optional Powerpoint Slides (pdf) 63 pages

Practical Skills for Leaders - Taking a Stand (pdf) April 2006 - 23 pages

Prepare and Present an Effective Conducted Activity (Module 210) - (doc) May 2006 - 2 pages
   Powerpoint Slides (pdf) - 29 pages

Prepare and Present an Effective Interpretive Talk (pdf) - rev. Jun 2006 - 4 pages &  Powerpoint Handout (pdf) 34 pages

Project Management Information System (PMIS) Town Hall Meeting (pdf) rev. Nov 2006 - 54 pages
   Presentation Slides (pdf) rev. Nov 2006 - 20 pages

Reasonable Accommodations (pdf) Sep 2006 - 37 pages

Recruiting for the NPS (pdf) rev. Jan 2008 - 29 pages;

Retirement Planning for New Employees (pdf)- 34 pages - revised September 2008

Resolving Employee Performance Issues (pdf) Aug 2007 - 32 pages

Safety Responsibilities for First Line Supervisors (pdf) - rev 5/30 - 28 pages

Safety Responsibilities for Employee (pdf) Jun 6, 2006 - 17 pages

Seeking Widsom: A Practical Guide for Mentees (pdf) Sep 2006 - 39 pages

Servicewide Training & Development: New Tools and Opportunities (pdf) Jan 31, 2005 - 30 pages

 Sharing Science: Air Quality Issues Handout (pdf) July 2008 - 4 pages Presentation Slides (pdf) - 18 pages References (pdf) - 1 page

 Sharing Science: Climate Change Brochure (pdf) - 2 pages Global Warming: Is It Real? How Will It Affect Us? What Can We Do About It? Brochure (pdf) - 1 page Care For and About the Environment Article (pdf) - 3 pages Reference List (pdf) - 3 pages Presentation Slides (pdf) - 24 pages Case Study (doc) - 3 pages

 Sharing Science: Water Quality (pdf) - 26 pages; Handout (pdf) - 28 pages Slides (pdf) - 12 pages

  Sharing Wisdom: Building Mentoring Relationships (pdf) - 44 pages

SMIS: The "Ins and Outs" for Safety Managers and CDSOs (pdf) Apr 2007 - 63 pages

Supervisor's Guide to Worker's Compensation: Fact and Fiction (pdf) rev May 2007 - 30 pages
    also available on the Risk Management website.

Taking the Grief Out of Administrative Grievances (pdf) rev. Sep 25, 2006 - 25 pages

TEL Station Operators Checklist - TEL Station installed after January 2004

TEL Station Operators Checklist - TEL Station installed prior to January 2004

The Perfect Fit: People, Equipment and Processes (pdf) Feb 2, 2006 - 30 pages

The Status of Disability Access in the NPS: From Rhetoric to Reality (pdf) - 56 pages; Presentation Slides (pdf) - 41 pages

Tree Hazard Safety: Getting to the Root of the Problem (pdf) June 2006 - 20 pages

Understanding the New Transportation Bill
   Fact Sheets for Highway Provisions in the SAFETA-LU - (pdf) 8/31/2005 - 97 pages
   Implications of the New Transportation Legislation for the NPS Memorandum - (pdf) 8/25/2005 - 4 pages
   Participant Guide - (pdf) 11/8/2005 - 19 pages

Understanding the Revisions of DO#21 (pdf) 8/28/2006 - 40 pages
   Participants should be familiar with Director's Order #21 Policy, and you may also want to print out the
   Reference Guide.  For more information about Partnerships, go to the Partnership Website.

Universal Design: Applying the Principles to Park Settings - March, 2008 "Introduction to Universal Design" - online website.

Update on NPS Management Policies - Oct 18, 2005 (link to website only)

Federal Recreation Pass Programs Brochure (pdf) - 4 Fold - April 2008

Interagency Pass Program Presentation Slides - 11 pages; 2008 Interagency Pass Program Updates Memo - 4 pages; America the Beautiful Interagency Standard Operating Procedures - 33 pages; Appendix A: Q and As - 18 pages; Appendix B: Interagency Pass Marketing Policy - 7 pages; Appendix C: Pass Order Form - 1 page; Appendix D: Field Stock Exchange - 1 page; Appendix E: Statement of Disability - 1 page

Updates on Directors Order #21 - Donations & Fundraising (pdf) - 35 pages; Departmental Manual Transmittal Sheet 374 DM6-Ethics and Conduct, Employee Responsibilities and Conduct Donations (pdf) - 10 pages; Draft Revisions - DO#21(pdf) - 28 pages

What Is In a Position Description? (pdf) rev. Mar 2007 - 27 pages; Presentation Slides (pdf) rev. Mar 2007 - 16 pages

Workforce Planning for Human Resource Professionals (pdf) Nov 2006, 64 pages; Presentation Slides (pdf) 16 pages

Workforce Management Transformation (pdf) July, 2008 - 39 slides

Working with NPS Agreements for Partnerships Module 1: Tools for Effective Partnering (pdf) Nov 3, 2004 - 54 pages
   Interim Flow Chart (pdf) Nov 3, 2004 - 1 page

Working with NPS Agreements for Partnerships Module 2: Developing and Managing Agreements for Partnerships
   (pdf) Nov 4, 2004 - 58 pages

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