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Licensable Technologies : Engineering

Electrically Switchable Terahertz Metamaterials

The development of artificially structured materials, termed metamaterials (MMs),
has dramatically expanded our view of electromagnetic material interactions.
These sub-wavelength composites can be designed to exhibit electromagnetic
responses allowing for the realization of phenomena not available with natural
materials. This is especially important for the technologically relevant terahertz (1
THz = 1012 Hz) frequency regime, since many materials inherently do not respond
to THz radiation and thus the tools necessary to construct devices operating within
this range ? sources, lenses, switches, modulators, detectors ? largely do not
exist. Considerable efforts are underway to fill this “THz gap” in view of the wellknown
potential applications using THz radiation. Moderate progress has
been made in THz generation and detection and THz quantum cascade lasers are
a recent example. However, techniques to control and manipulate THz waves lag
far behind. LANL has recently shown the first active MM device capable of efficient real-time
control and manipulation of THz radiation. Modulation of the THz transmission is
accomplished by voltage control of substrate properties using Schottky diode
electric MM structures. The observed performance indicates that active MM
devices have significant potential to operate as narrowband THz
switches/modulators or real-time filters as we demonstrate a 50% modulation of
the transmitted THz intensity, which represents an order of magnitude
improvement in comparison to existing state-of-the-art.

Terahertz switches
Terahertz modulators
Terahertz lenses
Terahertz detectors
High bit-rate communication
Imaging and screening
Detection of chemical and biological warfare agents
Characterization of explosives
Secure communications

Exploring the interaction between of materials and electromagnetic radiation
Creating electromagnetic responsed not available in natural materials
Accessing the terahertz gap with devices that operate at roughly 1000 Hz
Control and manipulation of terahertz waves
Unique ability to operate narrowband terahertz switches, modulators and filterd
An order of magnitude improvement over state of the art terahertz modulation

IP Status: Available both Exclusively and Non Exclusively

Commercialization Strategy: Los Alamos National Laboratory is seeking commercial partners to co-develop applications based on terahertz metamaterials.  This technology is available for exclusive or nonexclusive licensing.

Reference Number: 807

S Number: DOE reference no.(s): 109,140

Patents & Applications:
Application(s) Pending

Posted: 04-03-2007

John Mott
Technology Transfer Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663, MailStop C334
(505) 665-0883



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