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Head Start English Language Learners Systems/Services Grid

Service to English Language Learners (ELL) is an integral part of the Head Start mission. This grid was created to support Head Start efforts to effectively integrate the needs of ELL in all levels of systems and services, to ensure that ELL receive full inclusion in and benefit of Head Start Services to families and children. Use in conjunction with the English Language Learners Action Plan.

Head Start Systems & Services Questions To Consider
Program Governance How do you make it possible for ELL to serve on governing bodies? What is the expectation & involvement of the governing body in child and family outcomes for ELL?
Planning What policies/procedures related to ELL need to be written and/or updated? Do the service plans describe how the program will meet the cultural and linguistic needs of families? Are families of ELL involved in developing the policies/procedures and plans related to ELL? How does the grantee use the analysis of child outcome data for ELL for continuous improvement? How are service plans updated to reflect this? How do lesson plans reflect individualization for ELL?
Communication What is the system for communicating with ELL who may be parents, staff, governing bodies, community representatives or community partners? How do you ensure that communication is a 2-way process?
Record-keeping & Reporting What reports are generated in what languages? Who is responsible for record-keeping and reporting ELL data? What is the system for data collection, aggregation and reporting of ELL data? Who sees them? How are the reports used?
Ongoing Monitoring How are services to ELL monitored? How often? Who monitors the progress? How are quality, consistency and the comprehensiveness of services to ELL ensured? Who is responsible for making sure that ELL data is included in the continuous improvement process?
Self-Assessment How is the level and quality of service to ELL data used during the self-assessment process? Are ELL represented on the self-assessment team? How is the self-assessment team prepared to analyze and interpret ELL data? What does ELL outcomes data say about the program?
Human Resources What are the recruitment efforts for hiring bi-lingual, bi-cultural staff at all levels in all service areas? How does your program maximize the impact of your bi-lingual staff? What is the system for staff development in meeting the needs of ELL? How are staff responsibilities related to serving ELL designated? Are services to ELL included in job descriptions? How are all levels of staff responsible for service to ELL and held accountable? What training efforts in ELL are considered for other staff (i.e., Family Advocates)? How is staff training supported for bi-lingual staff? What considerations are made about work load, time management for staff responsible for ELL? Is service to ELL child outcome data linked to teacher performance?
Fiscal Management How are funds allocated to support systems of services to ELL? Are the needs of ELL considered when making fiscal decisions? Are ELL involved in this process?
ERSEA How does recruitment of ELL take into account the characteristics of the ELL community? How do you identify community organizations that serve ELL? How do program option, attendance and other variables affect the participation of ELL? What are the community expectations for ELL according to the Community Assessment?
Parent Involvement How is the program providing resources to support parent's acquisition of English? How are parents who are ELL providing feedback about the curriculum? How are parents made aware of the Head Start Child Outcomes Framework related to ELL? Is parent feedback about the curriculum included in the continuous improvement process? What are parents saying about their children's progress? How are parents of ELL involved in the selection and evaluation of curriculum?
Curriculum & Assessment How is the curriculum achieving desired outcomes for ELL? How is the teacher using the curriculum to achieve desired child outcomes for ELL? Is the curriculum assessed to determine if it is appropriate and effective for ELL? Is your assessment tool providing you with meaningful information about children's progress in both languages? How does individualization contribute to achieving desired child outcomes for ELL? Is individualization for ELL documented and monitored?
Disabilities How are parents made aware of their right to receive materials concerning disabilities in their own language as well as the services of an interpreter? Are ELL evaluated appropriately? How are children who are ELL with disabilities being included in curriculum activities? How are you ensuring the delivery of services so that children are achieving their Individual Education Plan (IEP) goals? How are teachers modifying the curriculum to make accommodations for children who are ELL with disabilities?
Transitioning How do you facilitate transitions for ELL? How do you ensure that parents who are ELL become informed about educational services in the United States? How do you communicate with school districts to locate resources for ELL? How do you collaborate with school districts to help achieve desired child outcomes for ELL? What do you know about your children who are ELL after they leave Head Start?
Socio-Emotional How does your program support the social emotional development of ELL? Do you use additional resources to address social emotional needs related to ELL? How are tools (observations, anecdotes, behavior assessment teams, etc.) used to gather information about ELL? How do you assure that the assessment information is accurate?
Health and Nutrition Is health and nutrition service staff aware of the unique characteristics of the ELL community? Do menus reflect the cultural diversity of ELL? Is health information and training provided in multiple languages?

English Language Learners Action Plan

Use the Child Outcome Action Plan in conjunction with the Head Start Child Outcome Systems/Services Grid to develop/improve your efforts to incorporate Child Outcomes in the Continuous Improvement Process.

Systems Action Steps Responsibile Timeframe
Program Governance      
Record-keeping & Reporting      
Ongoing Monitoring      
Self Assessment      
Human Resources      
Fiscal Management      
Parent Involvement      
Curriculum & Assessment      
Social Emotional      
Mentor Coach Initiative      

Posted on June 17, 2008.