The State of Aging and Health in America Report

Report Data: View by State or Region

To obtain data on older adult health for the nation, a particular state, and/or the District of Columbia. Data can be compared between states and the nation, between states, and between states and regions.
Map of United States

State Performance Summary

The table below depicts data for 14 key indicators (hip fracture hospitalizations are not available for every state) related to older adult health for the 50 states and District of Columbia, and indicates which states are performing at the highest and lowest levels.
There is considerable variation among the states for each indicator.
Data Year*
HP 2010 Target
# of States Meeting Target †
Worst-Ranked State Best-Ranked State
Health Status
Physically Unhealthy Days (mean number of days in past month) 2004 West Virginia (7.9) Hawaii (3.2)
Frequent Mental Distress (%) § 2003-2004 Kentucky (10.3) Hawaii (3.8)
Oral Health: Complete Tooth Loss (%) 2004 20 22 West Virginia (42.9) Connecticut (12.4)
Disability (%) || 2004 West Virginia (42.3) Hawaii (20.6)
Health Behaviors
No Leisure-Time Physical Activity (%) 2004 20 0 Mississippi (43.4) Minnesota (23.1)
Eating ≥ 5 Fruits and Vegetables Daily (%) 2003 Mississippi (19.5) Vermont (40.2)
Obesity (%) 2004 15 3 Louisiana (25.6) Hawaii (10.2)
Current Smoking (%) 2004 12 47 Nevada (14.5) Utah (4.7)
Preventive Care & Screening
Flu Vaccine in Past Year (%) 2004 90 0 District of Columbia (54.9) Colorado (78.8)
Ever Had Pneumonia Vaccine (%) 2004 90 0 District of Columbia (51.4) Montana (71.6)
Mammogram Within Past 2 Years (%) 2004 70 47 Mississippi (66.3) Rhode Island (84.8)
Colorectal Cancer Screening (%) 2004 50 50 Hawaii (35.9) Maine (73.4)
Up-to-date on Select Preventive Services (Male) (%) # 2004 Hawaii (20.1) Wisconsin (49.8)
Up-to-date on Select Preventive Services (Female) (%) # 2004 Mississippi (24.7) Minnesota (47.0)
Cholesterol Checked in Past 5 Years (%) 2003 80 51 Louisiana (86.6) Delaware (95.0)

* Data for Indicators 1–14 were collected by CDC’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). See Using the Report for a full description of this data source.

† Includes all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

‡ Indicators 1, 2, 4, and 13 are more recently developed measures and do not have Healthy People 2010 targets.

§ Frequent mental distress is defined as having had 14 or more mentally unhealthy days in the previous month. Data from the 2003 and 2004 BRFSS are combined in this report to achieve a sufficient sample size.

|| Disability was defined on the basis of an affirmative response to either of the following two questions on the 2004 BRFSS: “Are you limited in any way in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems?” or “Do you now have any health problem that requires you to use special equipment, such as a cane, a wheelchair, a special bed, or a special telephone?”

Healthy People 2010 segments the nutrition target into multiple categories of fruits and vegetables. See Healthy People Targets for a full description.

# For men, three services are included: influenza vaccine in past year, ever had a pneumonia vaccine, and colorectal cancer screening. For women, these same three services are included, plus a mammogram within past two years.

** No state-level data exist for Indicator 15, hip fracture hospitalizations.

Application URL: Printed On: 01/15/2009