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Dominican Republic


Labeling requirements are issued by DIGENOR (Dirección General de Normas y Sistemas de Calidad).  Labels must be in Spanish - in cases in which the label is not in Spanish, a complementary label may be used that contains the information translated into Spanish.

  • Food name
  • List of ingredients – list should be given in decreasing percentages of ingredient (if water is added, it must also be indicated in the list of ingredients)
  • Food additives, if any
  • Net weight by volume
  • Name and address of the producer, wholesaler, importer, exporter, or retailer
  • Country of origin
  • Lot Identification
  • Minimum Duration Date and Preserving Instructions (if applicable)

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The documents below should be in Spanish, except for the Bill of lading, which may be presented in English or Spanish.

  • Bill of lading
  • Consular invoice (The D.R. requires all shipments to have a consular invoice, obtained from a Dominican overseas Consulate or Embassy approving the transaction)
  • Commercial Invoice
  • Insurance certificate
  • Certificate from the Central Bank (this qualifies as an import permit for the importer)

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Importers must register with the Central Bank (Banco Central) as importers/representatives.  You will receive a receipt of payment (recibo de pago) and must pay a fee.  This process should take around 20 days to complete.  They should also register with the Registro Nacional de Contribuyentes, or National Register of Contributors, which will provide importers with a tax identification number.

Foods also must be registered with the Secretariat for Public Health and Social Assistance (Secretaria de Estado para Salud Publica y Asistencia Social), which issues a certificate of Sanitary Registration.  The registration number from this certificate must subsequently be printed on the label of the product.  In order to receive this certificate, the importer/producer must present a sample of the product.  This process varies in time, and is likely to take approximately nine months.

Lastly, importers must register their importation of alcoholic beverages with the Department of Internal Taxes (Dirección General de Impuestos Internos) – this can be done through forms AL-01 and AL-02, available at the Department’s Colecturia #6 (Av. Mexico Esq. Jacinto de la Concha, Santo Domingo).

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Customs clearance takes approximately seven days, with proper documentation.

There are two methods that many importers utilize in order to clear their products from Customs:

  • Advance Declaration (Declaración Anticipada): importers may submit their customs documentation 25 days prior to the arrival of their shipments; this is useful in expediting clearance.
  • Express Dispatch (Despacho Expreso): this method involves advance declaration of shipments and verification of the shipment by customs officials at the importer’s warehouse.

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All imported merchandise is subject to payment of tariffs and other taxes. Alcoholic beverages are taxed through a luxury tax (referred to as “impuesto selectivo al consumo.”  Tariffs are based on the C.I.F. value (cost, insurance and freight) in Dominican Pesos at the current exchange rate.

For the most current tariffs and taxes applied to imported products for this country, please visit the Online Tariff Database provided by Tariffic at:, and click on “On-The-Fly Tariffeed”.  Please ensure you have a 10-digit HS classification code in order to obtain tariff information.  Also see the Census Bureau’s Schedule B search function (, which allows you to classify your product according to United States export codes. Simply click "Search" and enter the keyword (i.e. beer) that best describes your product.

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Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Embassy
Avenida Pedro H. Ureña #133, La Esperilla
Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana
Tel: (809) 227-0112
Fax: (809) 732-9454

Dirección General de Normas y Sistemas de Calidad
Edificio Oficinas Gubernamentales, Piso 11
Avenida México
Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana
Tel: (809) 686-2205
Fax: (809) 688-3843

Secretaría de Estado de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social (SESPAS)
Av. San Cristóbal esq. Tiradentes, Ensanche La Fe
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
Tel: (809) 541-3121
Fax: (809) 544-2083

Dirección General de Impuestos Internos
Av. México #48
Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana
Tel: (809) 689-2181, ext. 3312 and 3252

Banco Central de la Republica Dominicana
Calle Pedro Henríquez Ureña
esq. Leopoldo Navarro, Santo Domingo
República Dominicana
Apartado Postal 1347
Tel: (809) 221-9111

Dirección General de Aduanas
Av. México #48, Gazcue
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
Tel: (809) 547-7070

Most of the information in this guide was obtained from direct contact with various governmental organizations and embassies, as well as online sources.  The FAS Attaché reports at: served as the primary (online) sources used for this report.

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