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Volume 15;  1899
President's Address: The High Aims of the Physician
Beverley Robinson
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 1–18.
PMCID: PMC2526941
Light and Air in the Treatment of Consumption in Colorado
Charles Fox Gardiner
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 19–29.
PMCID: PMC2526943
Suggestions Concerning Early Diagnosis in Pulmonary Tuberculosis
S. G. Bonney
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 30–41.
PMCID: PMC2526952
Some Notes Upon the Tuberculin Test
Edward O. Otis
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 42–52.
PMCID: PMC2526958
Subsequent Histories of Arrested Cases of Phthisis Treated at the Sharon Sanitarium
Vincent Y. Bowditch
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 53–67.
PMCID: PMC2526946
Röntgen Ray Examinations in Incipient Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Francis H. Williams
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 68–86.
PMCID: PMC2526961
Intermediate Altitude for the Consumptive Invalid
B. P. Anderson
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 87–93.
PMCID: PMC2526953
Why Fumigation of Apartments Occupied by Tuberculous Patients at Health Resorts Should be Under Municipal Control
Charles F. McGahan
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 94–98.
PMCID: PMC2526959
Some Remarks on Climate and Renal Diseases
James B. Walker
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 99–107.
PMCID: PMC2526962
Climate as it Affects the Skin and its Diseases
L. Duncan Bulkley
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 108–117.
PMCID: PMC2526944
Hygienics of the Skin
L. D. Judd
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 118–127.
PMCID: PMC2526963
The Climatology of Nudity. (Light, Heat, Atmosphere.)
William Duffield Robinson
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 128–136.
PMCID: PMC2526970
Hydrotherapy in the Treatment of Insomnia
Irwin H. Hance
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 137–143.
PMCID: PMC2526964
Recent Inquiries Concerning the Blood Changes Induced by Altitude
S. E. Solly
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 144–158.
PMCID: PMC2526965
High Altitude and Heart Disease, with Report of Cases
Robert H. Babcock
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 159–173.
PMCID: PMC2526957
Prognosis in Chronic Valvular Affections of the Heart
N. S. Davis, Jr.
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 174–186.
PMCID: PMC2526948
Treatment of Cardiac Asthenia of Pneumonia
Henry L. Elsner
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 187–196.
PMCID: PMC2526967
Remarks Based Upon a Further Experience with Calomel in Diphtheria
L. D. Judd
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 197–202.
PMCID: PMC2526940
Cardio-œsophageal Gush and Click
Roland G. Curtin
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 203–208.
PMCID: PMC2526956
The Bearing of Embolism on the Course of Valvular Heart Disease
William M. Gibson
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 209–217.
PMCID: PMC2526960
A Case of Aneurism of the Aorta
Thomas Darlington
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 218–219.
PMCID: PMC2526947
Empyema from a Surgical Stand-point
John C. Munro
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 220–225.
PMCID: PMC2526966
Traumatic Ruptures of the Heart, with a Case
Richard Cole Newton
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 226–239.
PMCID: PMC2526950
Functional Cardiac Murmurs
A. Jacobi
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 240–255.
PMCID: PMC2526949
Bicycling in its Relation to Heart Disease
A. C. Getchell
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 256–266.
PMCID: PMC2526955
The Effects of Violent and Prolonged Muscular Exercise Upon the Heart
Harold Williams and Horace D. Arnold
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 267–285.
PMCID: PMC2526968
The Relation of Local Meteorological Conditions to the Influenza Epidemic in Philadelphia, Winter of 1898-99
Howard S. Anders
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 286–303.
PMCID: PMC2526942
The Cold Wave of February, 1899
Guy Hinsdale
Trans Am Climatolog Clin Assoc. 1899; 15: 304–312.
PMCID: PMC2526954
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