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ATSDR To Hold Public Meeting and Public Availability Session Concerning Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 300 Site in Livermore, Calif.

For Immediate Release: Oct. 8, 2003

ATLANTA - The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), a public health agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, today announces an upcoming meeting to gather community input for a public health assessment (PHA) regarding the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) 300 site in Livermore, Calif.

The public meeting and public availability session will take place on Oct. 16 from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Tracy Community Center, located at 300 East 10th St., in Tracy, Calif. ATSDR representatives will be available to provide the community with information about the agency's work at the site and to meet one-on-one with community members who have health concerns possibly related to contaminants from the LLNL 300 site.

Information gathering about community health concerns is part of ATSDR's public health assessment process and data gained during the meeting will be included in the final PHA document. The public health assessment is an evaluation of whether exposures to contaminants from this site might cause harm to individuals.

For more information, community members may contact Environmental Health Scientist Trent LeCoultre or Community Involvement Specialist Loretta Bush, toll free, at 1-888-422-8737. Regional Representative Bill Nelson also may be contacted at 415-947-4316. Callers should refer to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 300 site in Livermore, Calif.

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, ATSDR, a federal public health agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, evaluates the human health effects of exposure to hazardous substances. Established by Congress in 1980 under the Superfund law, ATSDR conducts public health assessments at each of the sites on the EPA National Priorities List, as well as other sites when petitioned. Headquartered in Atlanta, ATSDR is staffed by more than 400 health professionals including epidemiologists, physicians, toxicologists, engineers and public health educators.

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Members of the news media may request an interview with ATSDR staff by calling Elaine McEachern or Jennifer Sarginson in the ATSDR Office of Policy and External Affairs at 770-488-0700.

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Updated by T Walker October 8, 2003
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