United States Congress


Senate Special Committee on Aging
Committee Hearings, 108th Congress

  • S. Hrg. 108-1 -- Analyzing Social Security:  GAO Weighs the President's Commission's Proposals, January 15, 2003     TEXT 94K    PDF 1.2M

  • S. Hrg. 108-4 -- Global Aging: Opportunity or Threat for the U.S Economy?, February 27, 2003     TEXT 104K    PDF 7M

  • S. Hrg. 108-6 -- Tax Fairness:  Does Double Taxation Unfairly Target Older Americans?, February 4, 2002     TEXT 113K    PDF 2.5M

  • S. Hrg. 108-20 -- Overcoming Obstacles and Crafting Opportunity for Older Workers, September 3, 2003     TEXT 87K    PDF 1.5M

  • S. Hrg. 108-39 -- Medical Liability in Long Term Care: Is Escalating Litigation a Threat to Quality and Access?, July 15, 2004     TEXT 90K    PDF 18M

  • S. Hrg. 108-41 -- In Critical Condition: America's Ailing Health Care System, March 10, 2003     TEXT 97K    PDF 3.3M

  • S. Hrg. 108-79 -- The Medicare Challenge: It's not just about Prescription Drugs, March 20, 2003     TEXT 85K    PDF 1.3M

  • S. Hrg. 108-85 -- Assisted Living: Examining the Assisted Living Workgroup Final Report, March 29, 2003     TEXT 90K    PDF 18M

  • S. Hrg. 108-108 -- Baby Boomers at the Gate: Enhancing Independence Through Innovation and Technology, May 20, 2003     TEXT 101K    PDF 4M

  • S. Hrg. 108-124 -- Ageism in the Health Care System: Short Shrifting Seniors?, May 19, 2003     TEXT 75K    PDF 1.8M

  • S. Hrg. 108-145 -- Medicare Reform and Competition Separating Fact from Fiction, May 6, 2003     TEXT 108K    PDF 2.7M

  • S. Hrg. 108-175 -- $5.2 Billion for Low-Income Senior Housing not Reaching the Elderly: Why?, June 17, 2003     TEXT 80K    PDF 2M

  • S. Hrg. 108-177 -- Keeping America's Seniors Moving: Examining Ways to Improve Senior Transportation, July 21, 2003     TEXT 121K    PDF 2.8M

  • S. Hrg. 108-181 -- Senior Depression:  Life-Saving Mental Health Treatments for Older Americans, July 28, 2003     TEXT 83K    PDF 2.1M

  • S. Hrg. 108-183 -- Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs:  What are the Consequences?, July 22, 2003     TEXT 105K    PDF 3.9M

  • S. Hrg. 108-192 -- The Future of Human Longevity: How Vital are Markets and Innovation?, June 3, 2003     TEXT 97K    PDF 2M

  • S. Hrg. 108-202 -- Social Security: Whose Trust will be Broken?, July 29, 2003     TEXT 92K    PDF 3.8M

  • S. Hrg. 108-228 -- Debate on Medicare Reform, June 23, 2003     TEXT 55K    PDF 84K

  • S. Hrg. 108-229 -- Enhancing Medicare for the 21st Century: A Prescription Benefit for Seniors, August 27, 2003     TEXT 89K    PDF 673K

  • S. Hrg. 108-240 -- Ensuring the Integrity of Social Security Programs: Protecting Seniors from Representative Payee Fraud, September 9, 2003     TEXT 80K    PDF 1.1M

  • S. Hrg. 108-248 -- Ageism In Health Care: Are our Nation's Seniors Receiving Proper Oral Health Care?, September 22, 2003     TEXT 118K    PDF 5M

  • S. Hrg. 108-256 -- HIPAA Medical Privacy and Transition Rules: Overkill or Overdue?, September 23, 2003     TEXT 133K    PDF 5.5M

  • S. Hrg. 108-287 -- America's Pensions: The Next Savings and Loan Crisis?, October 14, 2003     TEXT 11K    PDF 4.9M

  • S. Hrg. 108-288 -- Shattering the Silence: Confronting the Perils of Family Elder Abuse, October 20, 2003     TEXT 76K    PDF 1.8M

  • S. Hrg. 108-295 -- Square Peg in a Round Hole? Disease Management in Traditional Medicare, November 4, 2003     TEXT 93K    PDF 114K

  • S. Hrg. 108-425 -- Retirement Planning: Do we Have a Crisis in America?, January 27, 2004     TEXT 76K    PDF 3.2M

  • S. Hrg. 108-436 -- Families Helping Families: Tax Relief Strategies for Elder Care, February 10, 2004     TEXT 72K    PDF 829K

  • S. Hrg. 108-453 -- Predatory Lending: Are Federal Agencies Protecting Older Americans from Financial Heartbreak?, February 24, 2004     TEXT 87K    PDF 12.8M

  • S. Hrg. 108-467 -- The New Medicare Drug Discount Card: An Advance Prognosis, March 9, 2004     TEXT 106K    PDF 3M

  • S. Hrg. 108-476 -- Crime Without Criminals? Seniors, Dementia, and the Aftermath, March 22, 2004     TEXT 816K    PDF 4.4M

  • S. Hrg. 108-486 -- Internet Fraud Hits Seniors: As Seniors Venture into the Web, the Financial Predators Lurk and Take Aim, March 23, 2004     TEXT 91K    PDF 2.7M

  • S. Hrg. 108-523 -- Assistive Technologies for Independent Aging: Opportunities and Challenges, April 27, 2004     TEXT 115K    PDF 8.8M

  • S. Hrg. 108-541 -- Assistive Technologies for Independent Aging: Opportunities and Challenges, May 17, 2004     TEXT 83K    PDF 3.2M

  • S. Hrg. 108-577 -- Strengthening Social Security: What can We Learn from Other Nations?, May 18, 2004     TEXT 110K    PDF 3.6M

  • S. Hrg. 108-608 -- Health Savings Accounts and the New Medicare Law: The Face of Health Care's Future?, May 19, 2004     TEXT 96K    PDF 36M

  • S. Hrg. 108-641 -- Strengthening Social Security: What can Personal Retirement Accounts do for Low-Income Workers?, May 15, 2004     TEXT 86K    PDF 4M

  • S. Hrg. 108-664 -- Medicaid in Crisis: Could Long Term Care Partnerships be Part of the Solution?, June 22, 2004     TEXT 89K    PDF 2M

  • S. Hrg. 108-727 -- Helping Those Who Need it Most: Low-Income Seniors and the New Medicare Law, July 19, 2004     TEXT 120K    PDF 3.9M

  • S. Hrg. 108-728 -- Forum on Protecting Older Americans Under Guardianship: Who is Watching the Guardian?, July 22, 2004     TEXT 87K    PDF 3.2M

  • S. Hrg. 108-733 -- A Fresh Look at Mandatory Retirements: Do They Still Make Sense?, September 14, 2004     TEXT 252K    PDF 2.5M

  • S. Hrg. 108-746 -- Breaking the Silver Ceiling: A New Generation of Older Americans Redefining the New Rules of the Workplace, September 20, 2004     TEXT 111K    PDF 3.8M

  • S. Hrg. 108-751 -- Medicare Discount Drug Card: Measuring the Savings, September 23, 2004     TEXT 113K    PDF 9.5M

  • S. Hrg. 108-775 -- Combating the Flu: Keeping Seniors Alive, September 28, 2004     TEXT 89K    PDF 3M

  • S. Hrg. 108-780 -- Liability, Licensing and the Flu Vaccine Market: Making Decisions Today to Prevent a Crisis Tomorrow, November 16, 2003    TEXT 104K   PDF 2.9M  


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