Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 601.03 Change of Correspondence Address [R-7] - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

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601.03 Change of Correspondence Address [R-7] - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

601.03 Change of Correspondence Address [R-7]

37 CFR 1.33 Correspondence respecting patent applications, reexamination proceedings, and other proceedings.

(a) **>Correspondence address and daytime telephone number. When filing an application, a correspondence address must be set forth in either an application data sheet (§ 1.76), or elsewhere, in a clearly identifiable manner, in any paper submitted with an application filing. If no correspondence address is specified, the Office may treat the mailing address of the first named inventor (if provided, see §§ 1.76 (b)(1) and 1.63 (c)(2)) as the correspondence address. The Office will direct, or otherwise make available, all notices, official letters, and other communications relating to the application to the person associated with the correspondence address. For correspondence submitted via the Office's electronic filing system, however, an electronic acknowledgment receipt will be sent to the submitter. The Office will generally not engage in double correspondence with an applicant and a patent practitioner, or with more than one patent practitioner except as deemed necessary by the Director. If more than one correspondence address is specified in a single document, the Office will select one of the specified addresses for use as the correspondence address and, if given, will select the address associated with a Customer Number over a typed correspondence address. For the party to whom correspondence is to be addressed, a daytime telephone number should be supplied in a clearly identifiable manner and may be changed by any party who may change the correspondence address. The correspondence address may be changed as follows:<

(1) Prior to filing of § 1.63 oath or declaration by any of the inventors. If a § 1.63 oath or declaration has not been filed by any of the inventors, the correspondence address may be changed by the party who filed the application. If the application was filed by a patent practitioner, any other patent practitioner named in the transmittal papers may also change the correspondence address. Thus, the inventor(s), any patent practitioner named in the transmittal papers accompanying the original application, or a party that will be the assignee who filed the application, may change the correspondence address in that application under this paragraph.

(2) Where a § 1.63 oath or declaration has been filed by any of the inventors. If a § 1.63 oath or declaration has been filed, or is filed concurrent with the filing of an application, by any of the inventors, the correspondence address may be changed by the parties set forth in paragraph (b) of this section, except for paragraph (b)(2).


37 CFR 1.33(a) provides that the application must specify a correspondence address to which the Office will send notice, letters, and other communications relating to an application. The correspondence address must either be in an application data sheet ( 37 CFR 1.76) or in a clearly identifiable manner elsewhere in any papers submitted with the application filing. If more than one correspondence address is specified in a single document, the Office will select one of the specified addresses for use as the correspondence address and, if given, will select the address associated with a Customer Number over a typed correspondence address. Additionally, applicants will often specify the correspondence address in more than one paper that is filed with an application, and the address given in the different places sometimes conflicts. Where the applicant specifically directs the Office to use non-matching correspondence addresses in more than one paper, priority will be accorded to the correspondence address specified in the following order: (A) Application data sheet (ADS); (B) application transmittal; (C) oath or declaration (unless power of attorney is more current); and (D) power of attorney. Accordingly, if the ADS includes a typed correspondence address, and the declaration gives a different address (i.e., the address associated with a Customer Number) as the correspondence address, the Office will use the typed correspondence address as included on the ADS. In the experience of the Office, the ADS is the most recently created document and tends to have the most current address. After the correspondence address has been entered according to the above procedure, it will only be changed pursuant to 37 CFR 1.33(a)(1).

The submission of a daytime telephone number of the party to whom correspondence is to be addressed is requested pursuant to 37 CFR 1.33(a). While business is to be conducted on the written record ( 37 CFR 1.2), a daytime telephone number would be useful in initiating contact that could later be reduced to writing. Any party who could change the correspondence address could also change the telephone number.

37 CFR 1.33(a)(1) provides that the party filing the application and setting forth a correspondence address may later change the correspondence address provided that an executed oath or declaration under 37 CFR 1.63 by any of the inventors has not been filed. If a patent practitioner (i.e., registered attorney or agent) filed the application, any other patent practitioners named in the transmittal letter may also change the correspondence address. A patent practitioner named in a letterhead would not be considered as being named in the transmittal letter for purposes of changing the correspondence address. A clear identification of the individual as a representative would be required. If an application is filed by a company to whom the invention has been assigned or to whom there is an obligation to assign the invention, a person who has the authority to act on behalf of the company may change the correspondence address. Thus, the inventor(s), any patent practitioner named in the transmittal papers accompanying the original application, or a party that will be the assignee who filed the application, may change the correspondence address pursuant to 37 CFR 1.33(a)(1). The filing of an executed oath or declaration that does not include a correspondence address does not affect any correspondence address previously established on filing of the application, or changed pursuant to 37 CFR 1.33(a)(1).

Where a correspondence address has been established on filing of the application or changed pursuant to 37 CFR 1.33(a)(1) (prior to the filing of an executed oath or declaration under 37 CFR 1.63 by any of the inventors), that correspondence address remains in effect upon filing of an executed oath or declaration under 37 CFR 1.63 and can only be subsequently changed pursuant to 37 CFR 1.33(a)(2). Under 37 CFR 1.33(a)(2), where an executed oath or declaration under 37 CFR 1.63 has been filed by any of the inventors, the correspondence address may be changed by (A) a patent practitioner of record, (B) an assignee as provided for under 37 CFR 3.71(b), or (C) all of the applicants ( 37 CFR 1.41(b)) for patent, unless there is an assignee of the entire interest and such assignee has taken action in the application in accordance with 37 CFR 3.71. See 37 CFR1.33(a)(2).

Where an attorney or agent of record (or applicant, if he or she is prosecuting the application pro se) changes his or her correspondence address, he or she is responsible for promptly notifying the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office of the new correspondence address (including ZIP Code). See 37 CFR 11.11. The notification should also include his or her telephone number. A change of correspondence address may not be signed by an attorney or agent not of record (see MPEP § 405).

Unless the correspondence address is designated as the address associated with a Customer Number, a separate notification must be filed in each application for which a person is intended to receive communications from the Office. See MPEP § 403 for Customer Number Practice. In those instances where a change in the correspondence address of a registered attorney or agent is necessary in a plurality of applications, the notification filed in each application may be a reproduction of a properly executed, original notification. The original notice may either be sent to the Office of Enrollment and Discipline as notification to the Attorney's Roster of the change of address, or may be retained by applicant. See MPEP § 502.02.

Special care should be taken in continuation or divisional applications to ensure that any change of correspondence address in a prior application is reflected in the continuation or divisional application. For example, where a copy of the oath or declaration from the prior application is submitted for a continuation or divisional application filed under 37 CFR 1.53(b) and the copy of the oath or declaration from the prior application designates an old correspondence address, the Office may not recognize, in the continuation or divisional application, the change of correspondence address made during the prosecution of the prior application. Applicant is required to identify the change of correspondence address in the continuation or divisional application to ensure that communications from the Office are mailed to the current correspondence address. 37 CFR 1.63(d)(4).

See MPEP § 711.03(c) for treatment of petitions to revive applications abandoned as a consequence of failure to timely receive an Office action addressed to the old correspondence address.

The required notification of change of correspondence address need take no particular form. However, it should be provided in a manner calling attention to the fact that a change of address is being made. Thus, the mere inclusion, in a paper being filed for another purpose, of an address which is different from the previously provided correspondence address, without mention of the fact that an address change is being made would not ordinarily be recognized or deemed as instructions to change the correspondence address on the file record.

The obligation (see 37 CFR 11.11) of a registered attorney or agent to notify the Attorney's Roster by letter of any change of his or her address for entry on the register is separate from the obligation to file a notice of change of address filed in individual applications. See MPEP § 402.

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