Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 719.02(b) Name or Residence of Inventor or Title Changed [R-2] - 700 Examination of Applications

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719.02(b) Name or Residence of Inventor or Title Changed [R-2] - 700 Examination of Applications

719.02(b) Name or Residence of Inventor or Title Changed [R-2]

The distinction between "residence" and **>mailing< address should not be lost sight of. See MPEP § 605.02 and § 605.03.

MPEP § 605.04(c) explains the procedure to be followed when applicant changes name.

Unless specifically requested by applicant, the residence will not be changed on the file. For example, if a new oath gives a different residence from the original, the file will not be changed.

>For a patent application publication to be published with a new residence, the information must be entered into the Office electronic records at least nine weeks before the publication date of the application. For a patent to issue with the new residence, applicants are strongly encouraged to file an Application Data Sheet (37 CFR 1.76) showing the new residence information. Patents are printed from the documents in the application file and the data shown in the Office electronic records, other than the images of the papers in the file, are not necessarily relied upon.<

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