Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 604.03(a) Notarial Powers of Some Military Officers - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

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604.03(a) Notarial Powers of Some Military Officers - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

604.03(a) Notarial Powers of Some Military Officers

Public Law 506 (81st Congress, Second Session) Article 136: (a) The following persons on active duty in the armed forces . . . shall have the general powers of a notary public and of a consul of the United States, in the performance of all notarial acts to be executed by members of any of the armed forces, wherever they may be, and by other persons subject to this code [Uniform Code of Military Justice] outside the continental limits of the United States:

(A) All judge advocates of the Army and Air Force;

(B) All law specialists;

(C) All summary courts-martial;

(D) All adjutants, assistant adjutants, acting adjutants, and personnel adjutants;

(E) All commanding officers of the Navy and Coast Guard;

(F) All staff judge advocates and legal officers, and acting or assistant staff judge advocates and legal officers; and

(G) All other persons designated by regulations of the armed forces or by statute.

(H) The signature without seal of any such person acting as notary, together with the title of his office, shall be prima facie evidence of his authority.

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