Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 608.04(a) Matter Not in Original Specification, Claims, or Drawings - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

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608.04(a) Matter Not in Original Specification, Claims, or Drawings - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

608.04(a) Matter Not in Original Specification, Claims, or Drawings

Matter not in the original specification, claims, or drawings is usually new matter. Depending on circumstances such as the adequacy of the original disclosure, the addition of inherent characteristics such as chemical or physical properties, a new structural formula or a new use may be new matter. See Ex parte Vander Wal, 109 USPQ 119, 1956 C.D. 11, 705 O.G. 5 (Bd. App. 1955) (physical properties), Ex parte Fox, 128 USPQ 157, 1960 C.D. 28, 761 O.G. 906 (Bd. App. 1957) (new formula) and Ex parte Ayers, 108 USPQ 444 (Bd. App. 1955) (new use). For rejection of claim involving new matter, see MPEP § 706.03(o).

For completeness of disclosure, see MPEP § 608.01(p). For trademarks and tradenames, see MPEP § 608.01(v).

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