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201.10 Refile [R-2] - 200 Types, Cross-Noting, and Status of Application

201.10 Refile [R-2]

No official definition has been given the term "Refile," though it is sometimes used as an alternative for the term "Substitute."

If the applicant designates his or her application as "Refile" and the examiner finds that the application is in fact a duplicate of a former application by the same party which was abandoned prior to the filing of the second application, the examiner should require the substitution of the word "substitute" for "refile", since the former term has official recognition.

Use form paragraph 2.08 to remind applicant of possible refile status.


¶ 2.08 Definition of a Refile

It is noted that applicant refers to this application as a "refile." No official definition has been given the term "refile," though it is sometimes used as an alternative for the term "substitute." Since this application appears to be in fact a duplicate of a former application which was abandoned prior to the filing of the second case, the substitution of the word "substitute" for "refile" is required since the term "substitute" has official recognition. Applicant is required to make appropriate corrections.


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KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

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