Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 708.01 List of Special Cases [R-2] - 700 Examination of Applications

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708.01 List of Special Cases [R-2] - 700 Examination of Applications

708.01 List of Special Cases [R-2]

37 CFR 1.102 Advancement of examination.


(a) Applications will not be advanced out of turn for examination or for further action except as provided by this part, or upon order of the Director to expedite the business of the Office, or upon filing of a request under paragraph (b) of this section or upon filing a petition under paragraphs (c) or (d) of this section with a showing which, in the opinion of the Director, will justify so advancing it.<

(b) Applications wherein the inventions are deemed of peculiar importance to some branch of the public service and the head of some department of the Government requests immediate action for that reason, may be advanced for examination.

(c) A petition to make an application special may be filed without a fee if the basis for the petition is the applicant's age or health or that the invention will materially enhance the quality of the environment or materially contribute to the development or conservation of energy resources.

(d) A petition to make an application special on grounds other than those referred to in paragraph (c) of this section must be accompanied by the fee set forth in § 1.17(h).

Certain procedures by the examiners take precedence over actions even on special cases.

For example, all papers typed and ready for signature should be completed and mailed.

All issue cases returned with a "Printer Waiting" slip must be processed and returned within the period indicated.

Reissue applications, particularly those involved in stayed litigation, should be given priority.

Applications in which practice requires that the examiner act within a set period, such as 2 months after appellants brief to furnish the examiner's answers ( MPEP § 1208), necessarily take priority over special cases without specific time limits.

If an examiner has an application in which he or she is satisfied that it is in condition for allowance, or in which he or she is satisfied will have to be finally rejected, he or she should give such action forthwith instead of making the application await its turn.

The following is a list of special cases (those which are advanced out of turn for examination):

(A) Applications wherein the inventions are deemed of peculiar importance to some branch of the public service and when for that reason the head of some department of the Government requests immediate action and the *>Director of the USPTO< so orders ( 37 CFR 1.102).

(B) Applications made special as a result of a petition. (See MPEP § 708.02.) Subject alone to diligent prosecution by the applicant, an application for patent that has once been made special and advanced out of turn for examination by reason of a ruling made in that particular case (by the *>Director of the USPTO< or **>a< Commissioner) will continue to be special throughout its entire course of prosecution in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, including appeal, if any, to the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences.

(C) Applications for reissues, particularly those involved in stayed litigation ( 37 CFR 1.176).

(D) Applications remanded by an appellate tribunal for further action.

(E) An application, once taken up for action by an examiner according to its effective filing date, should be treated as special by an examiner, art unit or Technology Center to which it may subsequently be transferred; exemplary situations include new cases transferred as the result of a telephone election and cases transferred as the result of a timely reply to any official action.

(F) Applications which appear to interfere with other applications previously considered and found to be allowable, or which will be placed in interference with an unexpired patent or patents.

(G) Applications ready for allowance, or ready for allowance except as to formal matters.

(H) Applications which are in condition for final rejection.

(I) Applications pending more than 5 years, including those which, by relation to a prior United States application, have an effective pendency of more than 5 years. See MPEP § 707.02.

(J) Reexamination proceedings, MPEP § 2261 >and § 2661<.

See also MPEP § 714.13, § 1207 and § 1309.

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