Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 606.01 Examiner May Require Change in Title [R-2] - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

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606.01 Examiner May Require Change in Title [R-2] - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

606.01 Examiner May Require Change in Title [R-2]

Where the title is not descriptive of the invention claimed, the examiner should require the substitution of a new title that is clearly indicative of the invention to which the claims are directed. Form paragraphs 6.11 and 6.11.01 may be used.

¶ 6.11 Title of Invention Is Not Descriptive

The title of the invention is not descriptive. A new title is required that is clearly indicative of the invention to which the claims are directed.

Examiner Note:

If a change in the title of the invention is being suggested by the examiner, follow with form paragraph 6.11.01.

¶ 6.11.01 Title of Invention, Suggested Change

The following title is suggested: " [1]"

This may result in slightly longer titles, but the loss in brevity of title will be more than offset by the gain in its informative value in indexing, classifying, searching, etc. If a satisfactory title is not supplied by the applicant, the examiner may, at the time of allowance, change the title by examiner's amendment. If the change in the title is the only change being made by the examiner at the time of allowance, >and the application is maintained in paper,< a separate examiner's amendment need not be prepared. The examiner is to indicate the change in the title on the file label (or bib-data sheet in 09/ series applications) using BLACK ink and place his or her initials and the date in the margin. >For Image File Wrapper (IFW) applications, informal examiner's amendments are not permitted and a separate examiner's amendment must be prepared, and a copy of the bib-data sheet must be added to the IFW.< When the Technology Center (TC) technical support staff prepares the application for issue and sees that the title has been changed, the TC technical support staff will make the required change in >the Office computer record systems<.

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