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ASAP Customer Board (ACB)
Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2005

Financial Management Service:
Elizabeth Oldenburg; Director, Intergovernmental Programs Division
Christine Ricci, Margie Springer, Ashton Dunbar; Customer Liaison
Carol Cole; Operations, Regional Operations Customer Board (ACB):
Art LeBlanc, Chair and Federal Program Agency Representative
Dee Ann Haworth, Vice Chair and Indian Tribal Organization
Jennifer Criss, Anita Easterday; Federal Program Agency Representatives
Steve Allison, Jerry Scribner; State Representatives
Linda Holiman, Non-Profit Organization Representative
Maria Vargas-Capriles, University Representative

Absent ACB Members:
Rick Noll; Federal Program Agency Representative
Lisa Thompson; University Representative

Approval of April Meeting Minutes:
Concern was expressed about the delay in the finalization of the meeting minutes. FMS proffered to minimize the delay by capturing the highlights of the meeting information without the all technical detail which should assist in the timely finalization of the minutes.

Clarification of edits of the April meeting minutes was discussed and the meeting minutes were approved.

Implementation Update:
There are new roles for Release 2.0 - Redesigned Enrollment.

New Roles for Release 2.0 Redesigned Enrollment:

  • Enrollment Initiator (EI): This is the person at the Federal Agency who is responsible for initiating the enrollment in by identifying organizations to be enrolled and the Point of Contact at each Organization. This is a mandatory role.
  • Point of Contact (POC): The POC is responsible for entering the Head of the Organization, Re-Delegated Head of Organization, Financial Official and Authorizing Official for the Organization's enrollment. This is a mandatory role.
  • Head of the Organization (HOO): This is the top management official who establishes the authority for the Organization to use This role is mandatory. The Head of the Organization will approve the Re-delegated Head of Organization, the Authorizing Official, and the Financial Official.
  • Re-Delegated Head of Organization (RHOO): The Re-Delegated Head of Organization will be able to act on behalf of the Head of Organization once the Head of Organization approves the Re-Delegated Head of Organization. This is an optional role.
  • Authorizing Official (AO): The Authorizing Official will enter the organization profile and identify users. This is a mandatory role.
  • Financial Official (FO): The Financial Official will provide and maintain banking information. This is a mandatory role.

Additional Notes on New Role Requirements:

  • Federal Program Agencies (FPAs) will no longer send matrices to the Regional Financial Centers (RFCs) to initiate enrollments, but will start the process online.
    (Anita had a question as to how coordination would work with the FPAs - on a case by case basis?)
  • RFCs will no longer provide weekly status updates on enrollments, but users will go to the online inquiries.
  • Users will be notified when an action is pending and notified again when the action isn't taken within 45 days.
  • Pending Recipient Organizations (ROs) will be deleted if an official fails to take a required action in 45 days.
  • The POC is a key player at the organization.
  • ROs are not allowed to change their name unless they work with the RFC or the Federal Reserve Customer Business Application Function (CBAF) who will coordinate with every FPA connected to the RO.
    (Anita had the comment that novation should begin with the FPAs.) Required Information: requires the input of a Data Universal Number System (DUNS) and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) to enroll in Servicing RFCs are contacting users who do not have either the DUNS or the TIN information. If an RO changes a DUNS or TIN, they must re-enroll as views them as a new organization.

Anita brought up an issue specific to the Department of Commerce (DOC) who is in the process of installing a new system. The issue has to do with recipients who have multiple DUNS and/or TINs (e.g., the state of Ohio). Approximately 50 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recipients provided NIST with one EIN but submitted another EIN on the ASAP enrollment form for the RO entity. The Vendor information on the NIST financial system does not match what the ASAP RO ID contains. Also problematic is that NIST is not sure which EIN is correct. Anita noted that DOC relies on the recipient for DUNS or TIN information and that verification of that information could be a major issue for their agency. FMS noted that it is incumbent on the FPA POC to input the correct EIN information.

Enrollment Cutoff:
The cutoff for users enrolling in will be October 1, 2005, and will be in effect until February 1, 2006, so that all pending enrollments are processed and the RFCs have time to prepare for the transition to Release 2.0.

Anita asked about enrollments that may fall through the system. Carol responded that in September we will conduct an evaluation of what is pending to ensure that pending enrollments don't fall through the system. We will give FPAs notice before we cut off enrollments.

New Procedures for Release 2.0 Log-in:
Liz provided information affecting FPAs concerning the change to the log-in process after Release 2.0 is implemented. Upon first logging on, users will have to answer an additional four authentication questions. The format for the user name will change. The password, however, will not be changed.

Q: When will Release 2.0 be implemented?
A: Release 2.0 will be implemented December 3, 2005.

Q: What impact does the delay of Release 2.0 have on Release 3.0?
A: Release 3.0 will be implemented May 2006.

Q: Is there another updated timeline for the Releases?
A: We will include the updated timeframes in the meeting minutes.

CFO Letter:
An update on the status of FMS's letter to FPA Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) was provided. We are still waiting for our Legal Counsel's review of the letter which explains upcoming changes in Releases 2.0 and 3.0.

Anita's Comment: I thought we suggested that the explained changes to the releases not be part of this CFO letter, however the "banking data" verification change should as this is the issue the FPA's have?

Art LeBlanc pointed out that the longer the delay in releasing the letter to FPA CFOs, the less time FPAs would have to prepare a response. Other points regarding the CFO letter were raised by the ACB:

  • If FMS's policy is that FPA CFOs are responsible for the verification of banking data, a point of contact within FMS's Legal Counsel's office needs to be included in the CFO letter; and
  • FPAs are not aware of this change without the letter.

Automated Enrollment (AE) and the Individual:
Access to AE will be turned off on October 1, 2005.

Release 2.0 redesigned enrollment is only for organizations, not individuals. Individuals will be enrolled via a paper process off line through their servicing RFC.

Legacy Sunset:
Access to the legacy application will be cut off on October 31, 2005. We will post this information as a broadcast message on the legacy application, as well as on the home page, and the FMS ASAP website (

Q: Are there many users still using the legacy mainframe system?
A: We have identified about 100 legacy system users. CBAF is contacting these users to make them aware that the legacy application is being phased out and they need to use exclusively.

Password Policy:
The new Treasury Web Application Infrastructure (TWAI) policy for password expiration will be increased from 45 to 90 days. Users will be notified before the change is effective. If your password has expired, you should call the CBAF Staff to have your password reset (1 (804) 697-8384).

Q: If you notice that your password needs to be reset, can you reset it yourself?
A: Yes, if you do it before the expiration date.

Q: Are users provided an alert (e.g., your password will expire in XX days)?
A: With Release 2.0, users will be able to reset their password after the password expiration date without calling CBAF. However, CBAF will still be available for password customer assistance.

Updated Release Schedule:

Release: Implementation Date: Description:
2.0 December 2005 Recipient Organization Internet Enrollment
3.0 May 2006 FPA Internet Enrollment
1031 Internet Enrollment
Notification Enhancement
FPA Requested Reports
4.0 November 2006 Recipient Initiated ACH Debit for Returns
Current Debt Offset
Batch Recipient Enrollment
Batch Payments

Note: Release 2.0 is enrolling only organizations, not individuals. Individuals will continue to enroll via a paper process through their servicing RFC.

Q: Is there a way that the ACB can get progress reports on the status of implementation releases?
A: Forums such as these conference calls and regular meetings with the ACB along with other user group meetings provide us with the opportunity to relay updates to the ACB members.

Digital Signatures:
The use of Digital Signatures by FPA COs will be implemented on an agency-by-agency basis. Digital Signatures are not tied to the Redesigned Enrollment and Release 2.0 effort.

Next Meeting:
The next Customer Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 17, 2005, at the Miami Federal Reserve Branch located in Florida.

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