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GUI capabilities


Can I do everything with the GUI that the command line can do?


The gui option is not currently supported. Starting Ferret with ferret -gui will run the current version of Ferret, but some features may not work. If you find you need features which do not work. You will need to use the command-line version of Ferret.

The GUI version of Ferret has point-and-click interfaces to the most commonly used features of Ferret so that new users can rapidly begin using Ferret without learning it's command language.

However, Ferret has many utilities which do not yet have graphical interfaces. To access the full compliment of Ferret features you will need to use the Command Line interface. This interface allows you to enter any Ferret command and thus provides access to all the features you may be used to in command line Ferret.

You may also execute Ferret scripts from the GUI either through the Command Line interface or with the Scripts interface. Both interfaces are described in the GUI User's Guide.

Last modified: Mar 4, 1998