\cancel mode verify !************************************************************** ! Description: Plot graticules (lines) at specified angles (relative to correlation) ! ! Usage: go taylor_agraticule rmax [PLOT qualifiers=/line=1] [amin=10] [amax=90] [adelta=10] ! ! arg 1: maximum radius of graticules ! arg 2: plot command qualifiers ! arg 2: minimum angle of graticules ! arg 3: maximum angle of graticules ! arg 4: delta angle of graticules ! ! Example: ! yes? go taylor_frame.jnl 3 0.2 " " "Standard Deviation (units)" ! yes? go taylor_agraticule.jnl 3 " " 10 90 10 ! yes? go taylor_agraticule.jnl 3 " " 91 99 1 ! ! Notes: ! ! Calls: ! ! Author: Patrick Brockmann ! Contact: Patrick.Brockmann@ipsl.jussieu.fr ! $Date: 2004/12/09 21:58:15 $ ! $Name: $ ! $Revision: 1.1 $ ! History: ! Modification: ! !************************************************************** let ME_rmax=$1 def sym ME_qualifiers=$2%/line=1% let ME_amin=$3%10% let ME_amax=$4%90% let ME_adelta=$5%10% ! ---------------------------------------------- let ME_angle = j/100 let ME_xx = ME_rmax*cos(acos(ME_angle)) let ME_yy = ME_rmax*sin(acos(ME_angle)) repeat/j=`ME_amin`:`ME_amax`:`ME_adelta` plot/nolab/over/vs($ME_qualifiers) {0,`ME_xx`},{0,`ME_yy`} !************************************************************** cancel variable ME_* cancel symbol ME_* !************************************************************** set mode verify