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Colored Symbols


How do I specify the color of plot symbols?


The command
	yes? PLOT/LINE=n/SYMBOL=m my_expression
sets both the symbol and the line color. The /LINE qualifier, however, also
causes a line to be drawn.

To get independent control over symbols and colors use the PPL commands PEN and
LINE (see PLOT+ users guide -- in $FER_DIR/doc). Example:

yes? plot/set_up SIN(X[X=0:6:.2])	! loads your data points into PLOT+
yes? PPL pen 1,2			! set pen 1 color to 2 (red)
yes? ppl line 1,4,3			! set line 1 to symbol #4, unconnected
yes? ppl plot				! make the plot

And here is an example with 2 symbols and a line style key:

yes? plot  SIN(X[X=0:6:.2]), COS(X[X=0:6:.1])
yes? ppl line 1,4,3
yes? ppl line 2,6,3
yes? ppl plot

Last modified: Jan 5, 1998