The State of Aging and Health in America Report
Healthy Aging - District of Columbia Report Card

District of Columbia Report Card

Make Comparisons

Health Status
Data C.I.* Year Rank Grade
Physically Unhealthy Days 4.6 (3.7 - 5.6) 2004 2 Upper Third (top performing 33%)
Frequent Mental Distress 8.0 (5.6 - 11.2) 2003-2004 46 Middle Third (middle 33%)
Oral Health: Complete Tooth Loss 19.4 (15.3 - 24.2) 2004 19 Upper Third (top performing 33%)
Disability 29.8 (25.2 - 35.0) 2004 5 Middle Third (middle 33%)
Health Behaviors
Data C.I.* Year Rank Grade
No Leisure-Time Physical Activity 36.9 (31.9 - 42.3) 2004 43 Lower Third (lowest performing 33%)
Eating ≥ 5 Fruits and Vegetables Daily 37.6 (31.7 - 43.9) 2003 4 Upper Third (top performing 33%)
Obesity 18.4 (14.5 - 23.0) 2004 12 Middle Third (middle 33%)
Current Smoking 8.1 (6.0 - 11.0) 2004 15 Upper Third (top performing 33%)
Preventive Care & Screening
Data C.I.* Year Rank Grade
Flu Vaccine in Past Year 54.9 (49.5 - 60.1) 2004 51 Lower Third (lowest performing 33%)
Ever Had Pneumonia Vaccine 51.4 (46.0 - 56.7) 2004 51 Lower Third (lowest performing 33%)
Mammogram Within Past 2 Years 82.1 (76.5 - 86.6) 2004 8 Upper Third (top performing 33%)
Colorectal Cancer Screening 68.7 (63.4 - 73.5) 2004 10 Upper Third (top performing 33%)
Up-to-date on Select Preventive Services (Male) 32.1 (25.1 - 40.0) 2004 45 Middle Third (middle 33%)
Up-to-date on Select Preventive Services (Female) 27.5 (22.0 - 33.7) 2004 39 Lower Third (lowest performing 33%)
Cholesterol Checked in Past 5 Years 94.0 (90.7 - 96.3) 2003 3 Upper Third (top performing 33%)
Injuries Data C.I.* Year Rank Grade
  Upper Third (top performing 33%) = Upper Third (top performing 33%)
  Middle Third (middle 33%) = Middle Third (middle 33%)
  Lower Third (lowest performing 33%) = Lower Third (lowest performing 33%)
  * A confidence interval (CI) describes the level of uncertainty of an estimate and specifies the range in which the true value is likely to fall. The State of Aging and Health in America online report uses a 95% level of significance, which means that 95% of the time, the true value falls within these boundaries.
  Rankings are based on the relative numeric scores for each indicator, with a ranking of "1" indicating the highest rank.
  Grades are calculated as tertiles (thirds) and show state performance relative to all other states.
  No state-level data exist for Indicator 15, hip fracture hospitalizations.
    Note: When comparing prevalence of variables across states or years, we recommend the use of confidence intervals. If the confidence intervals overlap, the difference is not statistically significant.
Application URL: Printed On: 01/15/2009