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§ 408 Priority Application Number - Appendix AI Administrative Instructions Under the PCT

§ 408 Priority Application Number

(a) [Deleted]

(b) If the number of the earlier application referred to in Rule 4.10(a)(ii) ("priority application number") is furnished after the expiration of the prescribed time limit, the International Bureau shall inform the applicant and the designated Offices of the date on which the said number was furnished. It shall indicate the said date in the international publication by including on the front page of the published international application next to the priority application number the words "FURNISHED LATE ON... (date)," and the equivalent of such words in the language in which the international application is published if that language is other than English.

(c) If the priority application number has not been furnished at the time of the completion of the technical preparations for international publication, the International Bureau shall indicate that fact by including on the front page of the published international application in the space provided for the priority application number the words "NOT FURNISHED" and the equivalent of such words in the language in which the international application is published if that language is other than English.

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