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FMS Standard XML Schema and Documentation

The Enterprise Data Architecture Team is also engaged in an effort to establish standard system interface requirements for multiple business lines. To date the team has established a standard collections XML schema which is contained below. The team will continue to expand efforts into other business lines and create additional standard interfaces as required.

FMS Standard XML Schema:

  • Data Listing - Provides a listing of data assets within the XML Schema files and their definition.
  • Implementation Guide - Presents the mapping and technical information in a non-technical document.
  • UML Diagrams -Illustrates an abstract representation of the model in one file and a detailed representation of the model in another file.
  • EDA Presentation -Presents an abbreviated explanation of the research and business-driving decisions that went into the XML Schema model
  • Change Log -Detailed listing of the changes between all releases.
Latest FMS Standard XML Schema and Supporting Documentation 4.0 New Browse the FMS Standard XML Schemas version 4.0

FMS Standard XML Schema and Supporting Documentation 3.0 New Browse the FMS Standard XML Schemas version 3.0

FMS Standard XML Schema and Supporting Documentation 2.2Download the FMS Standard XML Schemas version 2.2

FMS Standard XML Schema and Supporting Documentation 2.1Download the FMS Standard XML Schemas version 2.1

   Last Updated:  Wednesday November 30, 2008

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