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All Agents >> Nerve Agents >> SARIN (GB) >> Additional Sampling and Analysis Information

Additional Sampling and Analysis Information
Nerve Agent: SARIN (GB)

References are provided for the convenience of the reader and do not imply endorsement by NIOSH.

    Carrick WA, Cooper DB, Muir B [2001]. Retrospective identification of chemical warfare agents by high-temperature automatic thermal desorption-gas chromatography—mass spectreometry. J Chromatogr A 925(1-2):241-249.

    Harvey SD, Nelson DA, Wright BW, Grate JW [2002]. Selective stationary phase for solid-phase microextraction analysis of sarin (GB). J Chromatogr A 954(1-2):217-225.

    Steinhanses J, Schoene K [1990]. Thermal desorption-gas chromatography of some organophosphates and S-mustard after trapping on Tenax. J Chromatogr A 514:273-278.

    No references were identified for this sampling matrix for this agent.

    D’Agostino PA, Hancock JR, Provost LR [2001]. Determination of sarin, soman and their hydrolysis products in soil by packed capillary liquid chromatography—electrospray mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A 912(2):291-299.

    D’Agostino PA, Provost LR [1992]. Determination of chemical warfare agents, their hydrolysis products and related compounds in soil. J Chromatogr A 589(1-2):287-294.

    Noami M, Kataoka M, Seto, Y [2002]. Improved tert-butyldimethylsilylation gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric detection of nerve gas hydrolysis products from soils by pretreatment of aqueous alkaline extraction and strong anion-exchange solid-phase extraction. Anal Chem 74(18):4709-4715.

    O’Neill HJ, Brubaker KL, Schmeider JF, Systma LF, Kimmell TA [2002]. Development of an analytical methodology for sarin (GB) and soman (GD) in various military-related wastes. J Chromatogr A 962(1-2):183-195.

    Black RM, Clarke RJ, Read RW, Reid MTJ [1994]. Application of gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry and gas-chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry to the analysis of chemical warfare samples found to contain residues of the nerve agent sarin, sulfur mustard and their degradation products. J Chromatogr A 662(2):301-321.

    Creasy WR, Brickhouse MD, Morrissey KM, Stuff JR, Cheicante RL, Ruth J, Mays J, Williams BR, O’Connor R, Durst HD [1999]. Analysis of chemical weapons decontamination waste from old ton containers from Johnston Atoll using multiple analytical methods. Environ Sci Technol 33(13):2157-2162.

    D’Agostino PA, Hancock JR, Provost LR [1999]. Packed capillary liquid chromatography—electrospray mass spectrometry analysis of organophosphorus chemical warfare agents. J Chromatogr A 840(2):289-294.

    DegenhardtLangelaan CEAM, Kientz CE [1996]. Capillary gas chromatographic analysis of nerve agents using large volume injections. J Chromatogr A 723(1):210-214.

    Ewing KJ, Lerner B [2001]. Infrared detection of the nerve agent Sarin (isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate) in water using magnesium oxide for preconcentration. Appl Spectro 55(4):407-411.

    Sega GA, Tompkins BA, Greist WH [1997]. Analysis of methylphosphonic acid, ethyl methylphosphonic acid and isopropyl methylphosphonic acid at low microgram per liter levels in groundwater. J Chromatogr A 790(1-2):143-152.

Page last updated:August 22, 2008
Page last reviewed:August 1, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Education and Information Division