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Healthy Hearts, Healthy Homes - Protect Your Heart Against Diabetes/Corazones sanos, hogares saludables - Proteja su corazón contra la diabetes

This booklet is part of a series called "Healthy Hearts, Healthy Homes", that presents important information about a specific risk factor for heart disease in a user-friendly and clear manner for Latinos. This booklet deals with diabetes. Explains the dangers of Type 2 diabetes, and what risk factors you need to monitor to prevent and treat this disease. Provides ideas on how your family can develop a plan to prevent or control diabetes. In English and Spanish.

Item No.: 08-6355
Format: NHLBI produced publications : Color
Page Count: 14 pages
Subject: Healthy Heart Healthy Family-Latino Risk Factor Books + Heart Disease
Audience: General Public/Patients
Language: English, Spanish
Size: 6 in. X 9 in.
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