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NOAA's Historic Fisheries Collection
Catalog of Images

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Plate 138. The Sailor's Choice. Lagodon rhomboides (L.), Holbrook.
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Plate 139. The Bermuda Chub. Cyphosus boscii (Lac.), J. & G.
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Plate 140. The Medialuna. Scorpis californiensis, Steindachner.
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Plate 141. The Florida Red Snapper. Lutjanus Blackfordii, Goode and Bean.
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Plate 142. The Pensacola Snapper. Lutjanus Stearnsii, Goode and Bean.
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Plate 143. The Mangrove Snapper. Rhomboplites aurorubens (C. & V.), Vaillant.
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Plate 144. The Black Grunt. Haemulon plumieri (Lac.), J. & G.
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Plate 145. The Striped Grunt. Haemulon elegans (C. & V.).
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Plate 146. The Pigfish. Pomodasys fulvomaculatus (Mitch.), J. &. G.
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Plate 147. The Big-Mouthed Black Bass, or Oswego Bass. Micropterus salmoides (Lac.), Henshall.
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Plate 148. The Small-Mouth Black Bass. Micropterus Dolomiei, Lac.
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Plate 149. The Rock-Bass or Red Eye. Ambloplites rupestris (Raf.), Gill.
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Plate 150. The Mud-Bass. Acantharcus pomotis (Baird), Gill.
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Plate 151. The Sacramento Perch. Archoplites interruptus (Girard), Gill.
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Plate 152. The War-Mouth Bass. Choenobryttus gulosus (C. & V.), Jordan.
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Plate 153. The Pumpkin-Seed or Sunfish. Lepomis gibbosus (L.), McKay.
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Plate 154. The Long-Eared Sunfish. Lepomis auritus (L.), Raf.
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Plate 155. The Blue Sunfish or Copper-Nose. Lepomis pallidus (Mitch.), J. & G.
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Plate 156. The Chinquapin Perch. Lepomis punctatus (C. & V.), Jordan.
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Plate 157. The Broad-Eared Sunfish. Lepomis obscurus, Ag.
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Plate 158. The Rainbow Sunfish. Centrarchus macropterus (Lac.), Jordan.
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Plate 159. The Calico Bass, or Strawberry Bass. Pomoxys sparoides (Lac.), Grd.
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Plate 160. The Crappie or Sac-A-Lait. Pomoxys annularis, Raf.
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Plate 161. The Black-Banded Sunfish. Mesagonistius chaetodon (Baird), Gill.
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Plate 162. The Sea Bass. Serranus atrarius (L.), J. & G.
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Plate 163. The Squirrel-Fish. Serranus fascicularis, C. & V.
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Plate 164. The Red Grouper. Epinephelus morio (Cuv.), Gill.
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Plate 165. The Jew-Fish or "Warsaw." Promicrops guasa, Poey.
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Plate 166. The West Indian Cabrilla. Serranus clathratus (Grd.), Steind.
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Plate 167. The Pensacola Black Grouper. Trisotropis (or Mycteroperca) microlepsis, Goode and Bean.
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Plate 168. The Yellow Perch. Perca americana, Schrank.
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Plate 169. The Wall-Eyed Pike or Dory. Stizostedium vitreum (Mitch.), Jordan and Copeland. The Sauger or Land Pike. Stizostedium canadense (Smith), Jordan.
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Plate 170. The Striped Bass or Rockfish. Roccus lineatus (Bloch), Gill. (Roccus saxatilis, auctorum.)
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Plate 171. The White Bass. Roccus chrysops (Raf.), Gill.
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Plate 172. The Yellow Bass. Roccus interruptus (Gill), J. & G.
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Plate 173. The White Perch. Roccus americanus (Gml.), J. & G.
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Plate 174. The Bluefish. Pomatomus saltatrix (L.), Gill. The Cobia or Crab- Eater. Elacate Canada (L.), Gill.
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Plate 175. The Triple-Tail or Black Grouper. Lobotes surinamensis (Bl.), Cuvier.
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Plate 176. The Moon-Fish or Spade-Fish. Choetodipterus faber (Brouss), J. & G.
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Plate 177. The Spear-Fish Remora. Rhombochirus osteochir (Cuv.), Gill. The Sword-Fish Remora. Remoropsis Brachyptera, Lowe.
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Plate 178. The West Indian Barracouta or Sennet. Sphyraena picuda, Schn. The Northern Barracouta. Sphyraena borealis, de Kay.
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Plate 179. The Striped Mullet. Mugil albula, L. The White Mullet. Mugil brasiliensis, Agass.
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Plate 180. The Sand Smelt or Silver Sides. Menidia notata (Mitch.), J. & G. The California "Smelt" or Pescadillo. Atherinopsis californiensis, Girard.
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Plate 181. The Two-Spined Stickleback. Gasterosteus aculeatus, L. The Silver Gar-Fish. Tylosurus longirostris (Mitch.), J. & G. The Skipper or Saury. Scomberesox saurus (Walb.), Fleming.
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Plate 182. The Half Beak. Hemiramphus unifasciatus (Ranzani). The California Flying-Fish. Exocoetus californiensis, Cooper.
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Plate 183. The Pike. Esox lucius, L. The Pickerel or Federation Pike. Esox reticulatus, Le Sueur.
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Plate 184. The Western Brook Pickerel. Esox umbrosus, Kirtland. The Muskellunge. Esox nobilior, Thompson.
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Plate 185. The Mummichog. (Female.) Fundulis majalis (Walb.), Gthr. The Blackfish of Alaska. Dallia pectoralis, Bean.
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Plate 187A. The Steel Head. Salmo Gairdneri, Richardson.
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Plate 187 B. The Rainbow Trout. Salmo irideus, Gibbons.

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007