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GOALS II/IAS Factsheet



Warrants is an Internet application of the Government On-Line Accounting Link Information Access System II (GOALS II/IAS). This application provides Federal Program Agencies (FPAs) access to appropriation warrant activity processed by the Financial Management Service (FMS) using a standard web browser and access via the Internet.

The data in this application is processed centrally by FMS based on legislation. This data is then transmitted daily from Central Accounting System (STAR) to provide FPAs up-to-date information on warrant transactions recorded in their accounts.


The Undisbursed application allows the user to access its processed warrant information via the Internet. This application facilitates agency account reconciliation. By comparing FPA accounting records with the transactions reflected in this application, FPAs can verify that the warrant activity is properly recorded. If not, adjustments can be identified and processed to correct any inaccuracies.

This application receives a daily transmission from STAR that enables FPAs access to data that has been unavailable in electronic format until now. In addition, historical data is available on-line and can be downloaded in a variety of formats.

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