Stepping Out - Mature Adults:  Be Healthy, Walk Safely
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How Do I Maintain My Physical Independence? How Do I Maintain My Physical Independence? margin spacer 2
How Much Time Do I Need To Invest? How Much Time Do I Need To Invest? margin spacer 2
What Are The Keys to Staying Fit? What Are The Keys to Staying Fit? margin spacer 2
The Positive Health Rewards From Walking The Positive Health Rewards From Walking margin spacer 2
How Does Walking Fit My Lifestyle? How Does Walking Fit My Lifestyle? margin spacer 2
Locating Expert Exercise Advisors Locating Expert Exercise Advisors margin spacer 2
How Do I Stay Motivated? How Do I Stay Motivated? margin spacer 2
Getting Started Safely Getting Started Safely margin spacer 2
What Are The Safety Considerations As I Get Older? What Are The Safety Considerations As I Get Older? margin spacer 2
What If My Neighborhood Is Not A Safe Place To Walk What If My Neighborhood Is Not A Safe Place To Walk? margin spacer 2
Resources Resources margin spacer 2
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Finding a qualified professional to give you advice is easier than you might think. Start with your doctor. In addition, there are other medical professionals who can tell you what types of walking or stretching would be best for you, including:
  • Doctors who specialize in sports medicine

  • Licensed physical therapists

  • Fitness instructors certified by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) to work with older adults

If you need assistance locating a qualified professional, the following groups might be able to provide a referral:
  • Your local hospital's preventive health maintenance or exercise program

  • Your Health Maintenance Organization's (HMO's) wellness center

  • Local colleges and universities that hold exercise classes for older adults

  • Your local parks and recreation department

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