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President Launches Online American Relief and Response Effort
"If a concerned American wants to help a neighbor in need, even though the neighborhood might not be right next to .. - 14.2KB
18 Sep 01
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President Chirac Pledges Support
It is my honor to welcome a good friend, a good personal friend and a good friend of America to the Oval Office. It's the first .. - 29.0KB
18 Sep 01
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Guard and Reserves "Define Spirit of America"
"An act of war has been committed on this country, and the dedication of our Guardsmen and Reservists will serve not only as a .. - 31.9KB
17 Sep 01
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"We've All Got a Job To Do"
"I'm here to remind people that the best way to fight terrorism is to not let terrorism intimidate America. A lot of people who work in this ... - 19.7KB
17 Sep 01
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British Prime Minister to Visit White House
The United Kingdom has strongly supported the United States in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks. - 18.7KB
17 Sep 01
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President Urges Readiness and Patience
"The United States will do what it takes to win this war. And I ask patience of the American people. There is no question in my .. - 28.0KB
15 Sep 01
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President Pledges Assistance for New York in Phone Call with Pataki, Giuliani
" is an opportunity to do generations a favor, by coming together and whipping terrorism; hunting it .. - 35.2KB
14 Sep 01
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President's Remarks at National Day of Prayer and Remembrance
"America is a nation full of good fortune, with so much to be grateful for. But we are not spared from suffering. In every .. - 26.3KB
14 Sep 01
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President Extends Order for Flags at Half-Staff
September 22. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord .. - 19.7KB
14 Sep 01
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Presidential Memo to Executive Departments and Agencies
Excused Absence and Assistance to Federal Employees Affected by the Attacks at the World Trade Center and the .. - 20.5KB
13 Sep 01
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