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Remarks by the President in Meeting with Bipartisan Members of Congress
THE PRESIDENT: I'm continuing a series of meetings I'm going to have with members of the Congress. I'm very serious about sitting down as often as .. - 4.6KB
29 Jan 01
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President Bush Participates in Roundtable on Health Savings Accounts
President Bush on Friday said, "Today we're talking about a way for small businesses and individuals -- and large .. - 9.4KB
12 Sep 08
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Fact Sheet: Expanding Health Care Coverage and Lowering Costs
"[H]ealth savings accounts all aim at empowering people to make decisions for themselves, owning their own health care .. - 9.4KB
12 Sep 08
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Press Gaggle by Tony Fratto and Julie Goon, Special Assistant to the President for Economic ...
MR. FRATTO: Good morning, everyone; how are you all doing? We're on our way to Oklahoma City, where ... - 22.0KB
12 Sep 08
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Fact Sheet: A Historic and Lifesaving Commitment to Fight HIV/AIDS
Today, President Bush signed into law H.R. 5501, the Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership .. - 12.7KB
30 Jul 08
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President Bush Signs H.R. 5501, the Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global ..
President Bush on Wednesday said, "With this legislation, America is showing its tremendous regard for .. - 20.0KB
30 Jul 08
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President Bush Thanks Congress for Reauthorizing PEPFAR
I thank the Senate for the strong, bipartisan vote today to pass important, life-saving legislation reauthorizing the .. - 5.4KB
16 Jul 08
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Fact Sheet: PEPFAR: A Historic Commitment To Compassion
President Bush calls on Congress to reauthorize the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and pass S. 2731, the Tom .. - 10.2KB
14 Jul 08
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President Bush Signs H.R. 493, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008
President Bush on Wednesday said, "I want to thank the members of Congress who've joined us as I sign the .. - 6.4KB
21 May 08
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President Bush Discusses National President's Challenge
President Bush on Thursday said, "I want to thank the members of the President's Physical -- Council on Physical Fitness .. - 11.2KB
20 Mar 08
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