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Volume 10(12);  December 2008
Review Article
Neoplasia: The Second Decade
Alnawaz Rehemtulla
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1314–1324.
PMCID: PMC2586682
Research Articles
A Mammary-Specific, Long-range Deletion on Mouse Chromosome 11 Accelerates Brca1-Associated Mammary Tumorigenesis
Aleata A Triplett, Cristina Montagna, and Kay-Uwe Wagner
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1325–1334.
PMCID: PMC2586683
Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 7 Mediates Glioma Cell Growth and Migration
Wei Jiang, Cunli Xiang, Simona Cazacu, Chaya Brodie, and Tom Mikkelsen
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1335–1342.
PMCID: PMC2586684
Bmi1 Is Required for Hedgehog Pathway-Driven Medulloblastoma Expansion
Lowell Evan Michael, Bart A Westerman, Alexandre N Ermilov, Aiqin Wang, Jennifer Ferris, Jianhong Liu, Marleen Blom, David W Ellison, Maarten van Lohuizen, and Andrzej A Dlugosz
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1343–1349.
PMCID: PMC2586685
Senescence-Induced Alterations of Laminin Chain Expression Modulate Tumorigenicity of Prostate Cancer Cells
Cynthia C T Sprenger, Rolf H Drivdahl, Lillie B Woodke, Daniel Eyman, May J Reed, William G Carter, and Stephen R Plymate
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1350–1361.
PMCID: PMC2586686
Neurofibromin 1 (NF1) Defects Are Common in Human Ovarian Serous Carcinomas and Co-occur with TP53 Mutations
Navneet Sangha, Rong Wu, Rork Kuick, Scott Powers, David Mu, Diane Fiander, Kit Yuen, Hidetaka Katabuchi, Hironori Tashiro, Eric R Fearon, and Kathleen R Cho
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1362–1372.
PMCID: PMC2586687
Tumor Progression and Oncogene Addiction in a PDGF-B-Induced Model of Gliomagenesis
Filippo Calzolari, Irene Appolloni, Evelina Tutucci, Sara Caviglia, Marta Terrile, Giorgio Corte, and Paolo Malatesta
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1373–1382.
PMCID: PMC2586688
Combining Bevacizumab with Temozolomide Increases the Antitumor Efficacy of Temozolomide in a Human Glioblastoma Orthotopic Xenograft Model
Véronique Mathieu, Nancy De Nève, Marie Le Mercier, Janique Dewelle, Jean-François Gaussin, Mischael Dehoux, Robert Kiss, and Florence Lefranc
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1383–1392.
PMCID: PMC2586689
Src Family Kinases Mediate Betel Quid-Induced Oral Cancer Cell Motility and Could Be a Biomarker for Early Invasion in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Jeff Yi-Fu Chen, Chih-Chang Hung, Kai-Lieh Huang, Yi-Ting Chen, Shyun-Yeu Liu, Wei-Fan Chiang, Hau-Ren Chen, Ching-Yu Yen, Yu-Jen Wu, Jenq-Yuh Ko, and Yuh-Shan Jou
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1393–1401.
PMCID: PMC2586690
Resistance to Cytarabine Induces the Up-regulation of NKG2D Ligands and Enhances Natural Killer Cell Lysis of Leukemic Cells
Henry Ogbomo, Martin Michaelis, Denise Klassert, Hans Wilhelm Doerr, and Jindrich Cinatl, Jr
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1402–1410.
PMCID: PMC2586691
Slit2 Inhibits Growth and Metastasis of Fibrosarcoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Hee Kyung Kim, Hong Zhang, Hui Li, Tsung-Teh Wu, Stephen Swisher, Donggou He, Lizhi Wu, Jianmin Xu, Craig A. Elmets, Mohammad Athar, Xìao-chun Xu, and Hui Xu
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1411–1420.
PMCID: PMC2586692
Phorbol Ester Enhances KAI1 Transcription by Recruiting Tip60/Pontin Complexes
Alexandra Rowe, Jörg Weiske, Tobias S Kramer, Otmar Huber, and Paul Jackson
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1421–1432.
PMCID: PMC2586693
SCA-1 Identifies the Tumor-Initiating Cells in Mammary Tumors of BALB-neuT Transgenic Mice
Cristina Grange, Stefania Lanzardo, Federica Cavallo, Giovanni Camussi, and Benedetta Bussolati
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1433–1443.
PMCID: PMC2586694
Restoration of E-cadherin Cell-Cell Junctions Requires Both Expression of E-cadherin and Suppression of ERK MAP Kinase Activation in Ras-Transformed Breast Epithelial Cells
Quanwen Li and Raymond R Mattingly
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1444–1458.
PMCID: PMC2586695
Improved Magnetic Resonance Molecular Imaging of Tumor Angiogenesis by Avidin-Induced Clearance of Nonbound Bimodal Liposomes
Geralda AF van Tilborg, Willem JM Mulder, Daisy WJ van der Schaft, Chris PM Reutelingsperger, Arjan W Griffioen, Gustav J Strijkers, and Klaas Nicolay
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1459–1469.
PMCID: PMC2586696
WNT5A Is Regulated by PAX2 and May Be Involved in Blastemal Predominant Wilms Tumorigenesis
Yahya Tamimi, Usukuma Ekuere, Nicholas Laughton, and Paul Grundy
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1470–1480.
PMCID: PMC2586697
Variant HNF1 Modulates Epithelial Plasticity of Normal and Transformed Ovary Cells
Antonella Tomassetti, Giuseppina De Santis, Giancarlo Castellano, Silvia Miotti, Mimma Mazzi, Daniela Tomasoni, Frans Van Roy, Maria Luisa Carcangiu, and Silvana Canevari
Neoplasia. 2008 December; 10(12): 1481–1492.
PMCID: PMC2586698
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