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Volume 3(4);  July 2001
Research Article
Codon 201Gly Polymorphic Type of the DCC Gene is Related to Disseminated Neuroblastoma
Xiao-Tang Kong, Seung Hoon Choi, Fumio Bessho, Miyuki Kobayashi, Ryoji Hanada, Keiko Yamamoto, and Yasuhide Hayashi
Neoplasia. 2001 July; 3(4): 267–272.
PMCID: PMC1505858
Brief Article
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue Among Young Indian Adults
Elizabeth Mathew Iype, Manoj Pandey, Aleyamma Mathew, Gigi Thomas, Paul Sebastian, and Madhavan Krishnan Nair
Neoplasia. 2001 July; 3(4): 273–277.
PMCID: PMC1505859
Research Articles
Downregulation of Akt1 Inhibits Anchorage-Independent Cell Growth and Induces Apoptosis in Cancer Cells
Xuesong Liu, Yan Shi, Edward K-H Han, Zehan Chen, Saul H Rosenberg, Vincent L Giranda, Yan Luo, and Shi-Chung Ng
Neoplasia. 2001 July; 3(4): 278–286.
PMCID: PMC1505865
Alterations in Lipoxygenase and Cyclooxygenase-2 Catalytic Activity and mRNA Expression in Prostate Carcinoma
Scott B Shappell, Suzanne Manning, William E Boeglin, You-Fei Guan, Richard L Roberts, Linda Davis, Sandra J Olson, Gregory S Jack, Christopher S Coffey, Thomas M Wheeler, Matthew D Breyer, and Alan R Brash
Neoplasia. 2001 July; 3(4): 287–303.
PMCID: PMC1505867
Bcl-2 and N-Myc Coexpression Increases IGF-IR and Features of Malignant Growth in Neuroblastoma Cell Lines
Rama Jasty, Cynthia van Golen, Huey-Jen Lin, Gabe Solomon, Kathleen Heidelberger, Peter Polverini, Anthony Opipari, Eva Feldman, and Valerie P Castle
Neoplasia. 2001 July; 3(4): 304–313.
PMCID: PMC1505862
Global Methylation Profiling of Lung Cancer Identifies Novel Methylated Genes
Zunyan Dai, Romola R Lakshmanan, Wei-Guo Zhu, Dominic J Smiraglia, Laura J Rush, Michael C Frühwald, Romulo M Brena, Bin Li, Fred A Wright, Patrick Ross, Gregory A Otterson, and Christoph Plass
Neoplasia. 2001 July; 3(4): 314–323.
PMCID: PMC1505864
Quantitative Estimates of Vascularity in Solid Tumors by Non-Invasive Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Michael Kragh, Bjørn Quistorff, Eva L Lund, and Paul E G Kristjansen
Neoplasia. 2001 July; 3(4): 324–330.
PMCID: PMC1505857
Phenylbutyrate Attenuates the Expression of Bcl-XL, DNA-PK, Caveolin-1, and VEGF in Prostate Cancer Cells
Meidee Goh, Feng Chen, Michelle T Paulsen, Ann M Yeager, Erica S Dyer, and Mats Ljungman
Neoplasia. 2001 July; 3(4): 331–338.
PMCID: PMC1505863
Differential Utilization and Localization of ErbB Receptor Tyrosine Kinases in Skin Compared to Normal and Malignant Keratinocytes
Stefan W Stoll, Sanjay Kansra, Scott Peshick, David W Fry, Wilbur R Leopold, Jane F Wiesen, Maria Sibilia, Tong Zhang, Zena Werb, Rik Derynck, Erwin F Wagner, and James T Elder
Neoplasia. 2001 July; 3(4): 339–350.
PMCID: PMC1505868
Telomere Lengths and Telomerase Activity in Dog Tissues: A Potential Model System to Study Human Telomere and Telomerase Biology
Lubna Nasir, Pauline Devlin, Tom Mckevitt, Gerard Rutteman, and David J Argyle
Neoplasia. 2001 July; 3(4): 351–359.
PMCID: PMC1505860
Chemosensitization of Human Renal Cell Cancer Using Antisense Oligonucleotides Targeting the Antiapoptotic Gene Clusterin
Tobias Zellweger, Hideaki Miyake, Laura V July, Majid Akbari, Satoshi Kiyama, and Martin E Gleave
Neoplasia. 2001 July; 3(4): 360–367.
PMCID: PMC1505861
Neoplasia Profile
The William S. Graham Foundation for Melanoma Research, Inc
Neoplasia. 2001 July; 3(4): 368–369.
PMCID: PMC1505866
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