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Topic: Home > News > Speeches

Mrs. Bush's Remarks at a Breast Cancer Awareness Month Event
MRS. BUSH: Welcome, everyone. I'm so happy you're here at the White House. Thanks to all of the researchers, the doctors, the ... - 14.4KB
07 Oct 08
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President Bush Discusses Judicial Accomplishments and Philosophy
President Bush on Monday said, "Our democracy requires us to come together and to get things done for the citizens of this ... - 21.2KB
06 Oct 08
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President Bush Meets with Small Business Owners in Texas, Discusses Economy
President Bush on Monday said, "And it's going to take a while. I signed the bill... last week, but it's going to .. - 7.6KB
06 Oct 08
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President Bush Visits Midland, Texas
President Bush on Saturday said, "So it's great to see our friends. You know, we got a couple more hard months to go, and obviously we've .. - 6.2KB
04 Oct 08
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Mrs. Bush's Remarks During Visit to Auchan Red Cross Mass Shelter
MRS. BUSH: Let me just say that I was in Houston today and I especially wanted to come to this shelter. I know you .. - 8.8KB
04 Oct 08
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Vice President's Remarks at the White House Conference on North American Wildlife Policy
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you all very much. A warm welcome like that is almost enough to make me .. - 22.2KB
03 Oct 08
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President Bush Discusses Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
President Bush on Friday said, "A short time ago, the House of Representatives passed a bill that is essential to helping .. - 9.7KB
03 Oct 08
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Mrs. Bush's Remarks During Visit to Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home and Museum
MRS. BUSH: Thanks, everybody, for coming out. This is something I've wanted to do for a really long time, and that .. - 16.5KB
03 Oct 08
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President Bush Visits Department of the Treasury
President Bush on Friday said, "And so I just went up to thank people. Sometimes people in government never get thanked enough .. - 7.0KB
03 Oct 08
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Interview of the First Lady by Ann Curry, NBC "Today Show"
Q Now to the world's largest shared reading experienced, Jumpstart's "Read for the Record," a national campaign to help .. - 5.0KB
02 Oct 08
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