

Contact Us
To send questions or comments about Preventing Chronic Disease, fill in
the information below or send e-mail to PCDeditor@cdc.gov
addressed to one of the following:
Marta Gwinn, MD, MPH
Editor in Chief
Minnie Johnson
Program Analyst
Ellen Taratus, MS
Northrop Grumman
Subject Matter Expert |
Lesli Mitchell, MA
Managing Editor
Brandi Bryant, MBA
Northrop Grumman
Assistant Managing Editor
Alexis Simmons, MA
Northrop Grumman
Communications Manager |
Kimberly Carson, MBA, UPC
Northrop Grumman
Technical Project Leader
Susan McKeen, BS
Northrop Grumman
Senior Software Engineer |
Kristen Immoor, BFA, AIGA
Northrop Grumman
Graphic Design
Sasha Ruiz
Northrop Grumman
Publication Analyst |
Ronnie Henry, BA
Teresa Ramsey
Editor Caran Wilbanks, BA
Editor, Team Lead |
Camille Martin, RD, LD
Nancy Saltmarsh, BA
Kondra Williams, MSPH Editor
Mailing Address:
- National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Mailstop K-85
4770 Buford Highway, NE
Atlanta, GA, 30341-3717
Phone: 770-488-8345
FAX: 770-488-8635