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Preventing Chronic Disease: Public Health Research, Practice and Policy

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To send questions or comments about Preventing Chronic Disease, fill in the information below or send e-mail to addressed to one of the following:

Marta Gwinn, MD, MPH
Acting Editor in Chief

Minnie Johnson
Program Analyst

Ellen Taratus, MS
Northrop Grumman
Subject Matter Expert

Lesli Mitchell, MA
Managing Editor

Brandi Bryant, MBA
Northrop Grumman
Assistant Managing Editor

Alexis Simmons, MA
Northrop Grumman
Communications Manager

Technical Team:

Kimberly Carson, MBA, UPC
Northrop Grumman
Technical Project Leader

Susan McKeen, BS
Northrop Grumman
Senior Software Engineer

Kristen Immoor, BFA, AIGA
Northrop Grumman
Graphic Design

Sasha Ruiz
Northrop Grumman
Publication Analyst

Editorial Team:

Ronnie Henry, BA

Teresa Ramsey

Caran Wilbanks, BA
Editor, Team Lead

Camille Martin, RD, LD

Nancy Saltmarsh, BA

Kondra Williams, MSPH

Mailing Address: 

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
Mailstop K-85
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Atlanta, GA, 30341-3717
Phone: 770-488-8345 
FAX: 770-488-8635

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This page last reviewed December 01, 2008
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