Revised Question Typology  (Based on general disability questions in use)


1.      Impairment Identification - This type of question asks about the presence of an impairment based on different parts of the body system.

1A.  Impairment Identification and Cause – Impairment identification is accompanied by second question that seeks cause of impairment.


  1. Identification of a Disability – This type of question asks directly if the person is disabled, in some cases is followed by a question identifying the disability in terms of functional limitations.

      Example:  Does –have a disability?  Yes/No

                       If yes, type of disability

1.      Difficulty moving/physical disabilities

2.      Difficulty seeing

3.      Difficulty hearing/speaking

4.      Difficulty learning/mental handicap

5.      Chronic fits

6.      Strange behavior/mental illness

7.      Difficulty feeling in hands or feet/leprosy

8.      Albinism

9.      Multiple difficulties that are a combination of the above.


  1. Indication of limitations in activity / participation - This type of question asks about limitations in activities and/or participation.

Example:   Are you limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems? 

Yes / No / Don’t know, not sure / Refused


  1. Combination questions – This type of question asks about impairments or conditions AND activities or participation to identify whether respondents have difficulties / limitations with body structures or functions AND performing activities or participating.

A.     Conditions / impairments and limitations in activities

B.     Conditions / impairments and limitations in participation

Example: Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition lasting 6 months or more, does this person have any difficulty in doing any of the following activities:

(a)    Learning, remembering, or concentrating?

(b)   Dressing, bathing, or getting around inside the home?

(c)    Going outside the home alone to shop or visit a doctor’s office?

(d)   Working at a job or business?

            Yes / No


5. Questions based on legal definitions of disability – This type of question asks whether the respondent is eligible for programs (such as income benefits or rehabilitation) based on receipt of a legal document or certification such as a disability certificate.

Example: Do you have a valid certificate of disability?

Yes, disability was stated as permanent

Yes, disability was stated as temporary


Don’t know (if proxy is reporting)