No.   Survey-Code Country Year Title Survey Type of survey Frequency Survey design Mode data collection Age group restriction Sample size: households Sample size: persons Proxy Survey languages Istitution conducting survey
1 E A01 AUSTRIA 1999 Microcensus HIS irregular cross-sectional with follow-up FTF no restriction 31,000 60,000 YES German Statistics Austria
2 E   AUSTRIA 2002 Austrian Survey on disabilities Disability - - - - - - - - -
3 E B02 BELGIUM 2001 Health interview Survey HIS 4 yearly cross-sectional with follow-up FTF+SA no restriction 5,525 12,100 YES French; Dutch; German Institute of Public Health  IPH
4 E B03 BELGIUM 2001 General Socio-Economic Survey 2001 General social survey once cross-sectional without follow-up SA no restriction 4,289,445 10,296,350 YES French; Dutch; German Nationaal Instituut voor de Statistiek NIS
5 E No code (Bc02) BELGIUM 2002 Census Census                  
6   CH01 SWITZERLAND 1997 Swiss Health Survey HIS 5 yearly cross-sectional without follow-up FTF+TEL+SA 15+ 13,004 13,004 YES German/French/Italian Bundesamt für Statistik-Office fédérale de la Statistique
7 E CH02 SWITZERLAND 2002 Swiss Health Survey 2002 HIS 5-yearly cross-sectional without follow-up FTF+TEL+SA 15+ 19,600 - YES German; French; Italian Bundesamt für Statistik-Office fédérale de la Statistique
8 E D01 GERMANY 1999 Questions on Health HIS 4 yearly cross-sectional without follow-up FTF+SA no restriction - 400,000 YES German Statistisches Bundesamt - Dienstort Bonn
9 E D02 GERMANY 1998 Survey on living condition, health and environment General social survey irregular combination cross-sectional/panel SA minimum age 45 - 4,843 NO German Bundesinstitut für Bevolkerungsforschung / BiB
10 E D05 GERMANY 1998 German National Health Examination and Interview Survey HIS/HES 6-7 yearly cross-sectional without follow-up FTF+SA 18-79 - 7,124 NO German Robert Koch Institute / RKI
11 E DK02 DENMARK 2000 Health and Morbidity in Denmark HIS 6-7 yearly cross-sectional with follow-up FTF+SA 16+ - 16,690 YES Danish National Institute of Public Health
12 E E02 SPAIN 2001 National Health Survey HIS - - - - - - - - Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo
13 E E04 SPAIN 1999 Impairments, Disabilities and Health Status Survey Disability irregular unknow FTF+SA no restriction 79,000 230,000 YES Spanish National Institute of Statistics
14 E EL01 GREECE 1991 Population Census Census 10 yearly cross-sectional without follow-up FTF no restriction - - No information Greek National Statistical Service of Greece
15 E EL02 GREECE 1998 National Greek Survey: Psychosocial factors and Health HIS 5-yearly cross-sectional with follow-up FTF 12 to 64 only - 3,759 NO Greek University Mental Health Research Institute
16 E F02 FRANCE 1999 Handicaps, Disabilities and Dependency Survey disability unknown unknow FTF no restriction - 16,900 YES French INSEE Inst Nat del la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques
17   F03 FRANCE 1998 Health and Social Protection Survey other 2 yearly combination cross-sectional/panel FTF+TEL+SA no restriction 23,000 - YES French CREDES
18   F05 FRANCE 2001 The INSEE Survey on Handicaps, Disabilities and Dependency Disability 10-yearly cross-sectional with follow-up FTF no restriction - 16,945 YES French INSEE Inst Nat de la Stat et des Etudes Economiques
19   F07 FRANCE 2000 Continuous survey on households living conditions other yearly combination cross-sectional/panel FTF 15+ 5,780 11,000 YES French INSEE Inst Nat de la Stat et des Etudes Economiques
20 E F08 FRANCE 1999 French Survey on living conditions and aspirations General social survey yearly unknow FTF 18+ - 2,001 No information French CREDOC
21 E F09 FRANCE 2002 Health and Social Protection Survey HIS 2-yearly cross-sectional with follow-up FTF+TEL+SA no restriction 7,000 20,000 YES French CREDES
22   F11 FRANCE 2001 Survey on households living conditions General social survey yearly in 3 waves combination cross-sectional/panel FTF 15+ 8,000 5,500 YES French INSEE Inst Nat de la Stat et des Etudes Economiques
23 E F12 FRANCE 2001 French survey on living conditions and aspirations General social survey - - - - - - - French CREDOC
24   No code (F1999) FRANCE 1999 Everyday life and health survey HIS - - - - - - - - -
25   FIN01 FINLAND 2000 Survey on health behaviour other yearly cross-sectional without follow-up SA 15-64 - 5,000 NO Finnish; Swedish KTL
26 E FIN03 FINLAND 2000 Health 2000 HIS/HES irregular cross-sectional with follow-up FTF+TEL+SA 18+ - 10,000 YES Finnish; Swedish National Public Health Institute /KTL
27 E FIN06 FINLAND 2001  Health Behaviour Survey among the Adult Population HIS yearly cross-sectional with follow-up SA 15-64 5,000 - NO Finnish; Swedish KTL
28 E FIN07 FINLAND 2002 The National Finrisk Study HIS/HES 5-yearly cross-sectional without follow-up SA unknow 9,000 - NO Finnish KTL
29   FIN09 FINLAND 2001 Health Behaviour Survey among the elderly population HIS irregular cross-sectional without follow-up SA 65-84 - 2,400 NO Finnish; Swedish KTL
30 E I01 ITALY 1999-2000 Health Conditions and the Use of Health Services HIS 4 yearly cross-sectional without follow-up FTF no restriction 60,000 180,000 YES Italian National Institute of Statistics
31 E I04 ITALY 2001 Aspects of daily living General social survey yearly cross-sectional without follow-up FTF no restriction 21,800 56,000 YES Italian National Institute of Statistics
32   IRL01 IRELAND 1998 Survey of lifestyle, attitudes and nutrition HIS/HES 4 yearly cross-sectional without follow-up SA 18+ - 6,539 YES English National University of Ireland, Galway
33   IRL02 IRELAND 2000 Living in Ireland Survey General social survey yearly panel study FTF no restriction 3,387 10,013 YES English Economic and Social Research Instiute / ESRI
34 E IRL03 IRELAND 2002 Survey of Lifestyle, attitudes and nutrition (SLAN) HIS/HES 4-yearly cross-sectional without follow-up SA 18+ - 6,539 YES English National University of Ireland, Galway
35 E IRL04 IRELAND 2001 Living in Ireland Survey, 2001 General social survey yearly panel study FTF 16+ - - YES English  Economic and Social Research Institute / ESRI
36 E No code (IrlC02) IRELAND 2002 Census Census - - - - - - - - -
37 E IS02 ISLAND 1989-99 Health and Living Conditions in Iceland HIS irregular panel study FTF+TEL+SA 18-75 - 1,924 NO Icelandic University of Iceland
38 E IS03 ISLAND 2001 Health and lifestyle of the Icelandic population General social survey yearly cross-sectional without follow-up SA 20-80 - 1,010 NO Icelandic IMG - Gallup - Iceland
39   L01 LUXEMBOURG 1996 Panel living in Luxembourg General social survey yearly combination cross-sectional/panel FTF no restriction 2,554 6,605 YES Luxembourg / French CEPS/INSTEAD
40   L02 LUXEMBOURG 2001 Socio-Economic Panel Living in Luxembourg General social survey yearly combination FTF no restriction 2,431 6,242 YES French CEPS/INSTEAD
41 E N01 NORWAY 1998 Survey on Living Conditions General social survey 3-4 yearly cross-sectional without follow-up FTF+TEL+SA 16+ - 7,125 No information Norwegian Statistik Sentralbyra°
42 E NL02 THE NETHERLANDS 2001 Patient survey - Second Dutch National Survey of General Practice HIS irregular cross-sectional without follow-up FTF no restriction - 13,000 YES Dutch; Marrocan; Turkish Rijksinstituut Volksgezondheid en Milleu/RIVM
43 E NL03 THE NETHERLANDS 2001 Continuous Survey on living conditions HIS/HES continuous cross-sectional without follow-up FTF+SA no restriction - - YES Dutch Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek / CBS
44   P01 PORTUGAL 1995/97 National of Health Survey HIS 3 yearly (if possible) cross-sectional without follow-up FTF no restriction 17,420 49,718 YES Portuguese Instituto Nacional de Saude Dr Ricardo Jorge
45   P02 PORTUGAL 1994 National Survey on disabilities, impairments and handicaps Disability irregular cross-sectional without follow-up FTF no restriction 70,000 150,000 YES Portuguese  Instituto National de Estatistica / INE-
46   P04 PORTUGAL 2001 Census Census - - - - - - - -  Instituto National de Estatistica / INE-
47 E S02 SWEDEN 2001 Living Conditions Survey General social survey yearly combination cross-sectional/panel FTF 16-84 - 5,800 YES Swedish Statistika Centralbyra°n / SCB
48 E UK02 UNITED KINGDOM 1998 Health Education Monitoring Survey other irregular cross-sectional with follow-up FTF 16+ - 5,800 NO English Office for National Statistics / ONS
49 E UK11 UNITED KINGDOM 2001 The General Household Survey General social survey continuous cross-sectional without follow-up FTF+TEL no restriction 13,248 - YES English  Office for National Statistics / ONS
50 E UK15 UNITED KINGDOM 2001 Census Census 10 years - SA no restriction - - - English  Office for National Statistics / ONS
51 E No code (H01) HUNGARY 2000 National health Interview  Survey HIS ad hoc   FTF+ SA 18 and above   5,503 NO Hungarian National Center for Epidemiology1
52 E No code (H02) HUNGARY 2001 Population Census Census 10 years   FTF+ SA   32,321     Hungarian Hungarian Central Statistical Office
53 E No code (H03) HUNGARY 2002 Labour Force Survey Other ad hoc   FTF 15-64   54,800 Yes Hungarian Hungarian Central Statistical Office
54 E No code (H04) HUNGARY 1999-2001 Time-Use Survey Other 10 years   FTF 15-84 cca. 11.000 cca. 11.000 No Hungarian Hungarian Central Statistical Office
1 Its name at the time of the survey: Health Promotion Research Institute