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National surveillance data

National surveillance data allows you to view and monitor the trends and complications of diabetes, such as prevalence, hospitalization, duration of diabetes, etc. in the US over time.

You can access national surveillance data from the homepage, or by clicking the National Surveillance Data option on the navigation bar.

You can monitor the following trends:

  • Prevalence
  • Incidence and Age at Diagnosis
  • Duration of Diabetes
  • Treating Diabetes (insulin and oral medication use)
  • Diabetes Complications
  • Hospitalization
  • Preventive Care Practices
  • Risk Factors for Complications
  • Health Status and Disability

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Viewing information

When you select a trend to view, for example Prevalence, the system displays a list showing the different ways for viewing the data. For Prevalence, data can be displayed by number of persons, percentage by age, percentage by sex, percentage by race, ethnicity, and sex, etc. When you select a view, the system displays a page that displays the data. The page is divided into the following sections.

The system also displays the data sources at the bottom of the page.

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Viewing graphs

The Diabetes and Data Trends system uses different types of graphs to depict data. For greater accuracy, the system also displays a table below the graph, thereby removing any guesswork while reading the graph.

National surveillance data is displayed using the following different types of graphs.

Graph/Chart Type 1

This is a bar graph used to depict differences among similar things.

Screenshot of graph type 1.

Graph/Chart Type 2

The horizontal bar chart is used to show differences among similar things, but usually for a series with long labels.

Screenshot of graph type 2.

Graph/Chart Type 3

The Line Chart is used for direct comparison and to demonstrate changes over time. The Line Chart is the best way to show multiple trends over a period of time.

Screenshot of graph type 3.

Graph/Chart Type 4

This type of graph is used to depict mean and median data.

Screenshot of graph type 4.

Graph/Chart Type 5

This is a color-coded bar graph used to depict different data for one entity, for example the prevalence of diabetes among three different age groups in men.

Screenshot of graph type 5.

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Methods and Limitations

Methods and limitations information is available for all diabetes trends data. You can click on the Methods and Limitations link to view the following information:

Methodology: System of methods, principles, and rules for gathering the information. This section also includes historical information and dates.

Limitations: Details restraints or restrictions applying to the information.

References: Lists references and reference information.

Note: The Methods and Limitations information is displayed in a new window.

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Detailed Data Tables

A detailed data table is available for all diabetes and trends data. Whenever the Detailed Data Table link appears, you can click on it to display another set of links. The links displayed break down information by groups such as males, females, blacks, hispanics, etc. as seen in the screenshot below, which displays when you click the Detailed Data Table link for Prevalence. Some tables give you the option of showing and hiding data.

Screenshot of Prevalence list.

Clicking on any of these links, Detailed Data Tables by Blacks, for example opens the page displaying the data table as shown below which clearly details and breaks down the information.

Screenshot of detailed data table.

Showing/Hiding data in data tables

If a data table contains standard error information, you can show or hide the standard error information by clicking the Hide/Show Standard error link. This link toggles depending on which view is shown.

The following graphic shows the Crude and Age-Adjusted Prevalence of Diagnosed Diabetes data table with the standard error hidden.

Screenshot of data table with standard error hidden.

Screenshot of data table with standard error hidden.

The following graphic shows the same data table with the standard error displayed.

Screenshot of data table with standard error displayed.

Screenshot of data table with standard error displayed.

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