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Preserve America

Preserve America Summit Implementation Report

Promote innovation by creating a clearinghouse through the National Park Service National Center for Preservation Technology and Training to disseminate information on innovative technologies and encourage their use.

Date: January 14, 2008

Reporting Agency/Agencies:
National Park Service; National Center for Preservation Technology and Training

Kirk A. Cordell, Executive Director, NCPTT, (318) 356-7444

Progress Since Last Report:
NCPTT identified 26 federal, nonprofit, and other partners for the national clearinghouse strategy. NCPTT also purchased Portfolio 8.5 data cataloguing software to aid in managing and cataloging images and data, allowing for quicker development and dissemination of preservation technical information via NCPTT's website and other media.

NCPTT began its social media initiative by establishing accounts with high-leverage players like YouTube, Flickr, and Twitter. NCPTT's Marketing Manager is instructing "PR Campaigns," the capstone course for Public Relations students at Northwestern State University of Louisiana (NSU). This year, the course centers on social media with NCPTT as the campaign client. Student teams are planning strategic campaigns in the following types of social media: Visual (flickr, YouTube, Picasa); Networking (Facebook, ning, Linkedin); Bookmarking (RSS, digg, del.icio.us, Stumbleupon); Blogging (Twitter, Wiki, Pageflakes); and Presentation (podcast, Google maps, Slideshare). Additionally, NSU has agreed to allow NCPTT to use its state-of-the-art television and radio facilities to record podcasts and vodcasts.

Next Actions:
NCPTT will continue identifying and contacting partners, schedule a conference call with potential partners, and add technical reports to the Center's website. The Center will initiate a test blog featuring regular updates from the program chiefs that incorporates social media components like YouTube. NCPTT will also continue to port its inventory of appropriate video products to YouTube.

Problems or Constraints:
Lack of financial and staff resources to implement a fully integrated clearinghouse.

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Phone: (318) 356-7444  ·  Fax: (318) 356-9119

NCPTT - National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
645 University Parkway
Natchitoches, LA 71457

Updated: Thursday, April 03, 2008
Published: Sunday, January 11, 2009

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