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Senate Calendar of Business: Search

The Senate Calendar of Business is prepared under the direction of Nancy Erickson, Secretary of the Senate, by Kathleen Alvarez Tritak, Legislative Clerk, and identifies bills and resolutions awaiting Senate floor actions. It is updated on GPO Access each day the Senate is in session.

(ex: "bills in conference" AND "s. 219")

[Search Tips ]
  • To search by page, enter "page 74804" (in quotes) in the search terms box. FR pages start with page 1 with the first issue and continue sequentially until the end of the calendar year.
  • To narrow a search, use the Boolean operators ADJ (adjacent), AND, OR and NOT. For example: "environmental protection agency" AND superfund.
  • To find variations on words, truncation can be used, For example: legislat* will retrieve both legislation and legislative.
  • How to select multiple databases in a search box.