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President Bush Discusses Conservation and the Environment
President Bush on Tuesday said, "With all these steps, we have charted the way toward a more promising era in environmental .. - 16.5KB
06 Jan 09
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President Bush Meets with First Vice President of the Government of National Unity of the ..
President Bush on Monday said, "I'm proud to be meeting again with the Vice President of Sudan. He's a friend ... - 11.3KB
05 Jan 09
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President Bush Participates in One Warm Coat Holiday Service Project
President Bush on Monday said, "Laura and I are here with the Mayor, and other volunteers who are just trying to .. - 7.4KB
22 Dec 08
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President Bush Meets with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority
President Bush on Friday said, "You have done a lot of important and hard work in helping the region understand .. - 10.4KB
19 Dec 08
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President Bush Visits Walter Reed Army Medical Center
President Bush on Monday said, "Every time I come here, I get amazed at the quality of care, the professionalism, and the .. - 7.6KB
22 Dec 08
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President and Mrs. Bush Attend Unveiling of Their Portraits
President Bush on Friday said, "It's a humbling experience to be included here among so many extraordinary leaders. One of .. - 12.4KB
19 Dec 08
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President Bush Discusses Administration's Plan to Assist Automakers
President Bush on Friday said, "The actions I'm announcing today represent a step that we wish were not necessary. But given ... - 12.6KB
19 Dec 08
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President Bush Hosts Hanukkah Reception
President Bush on Monday said, "The story of Hanukkah recalls the miraculous victory of a small band of patriots against tyranny, and .. - 10.7KB
15 Dec 08
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President and Mrs. Bush Host Children's Holiday Reception and Performance
President Bush on Monday said, "Welcome to the White House. Yes! We're excited you are here. And we're excited you're .. - 11.8KB
08 Dec 08
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President Bush Discusses World AIDS Day
President Bush on Monday said, "Today is World AIDS Day, a day we reaffirm our commitment to fight HIV/AIDS at home and abroad. .. - 8.3KB
01 Dec 08
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