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President Bush Delivers Farewell Address to the Nation
    President Bush Commemorates Foreign Policy Achievements and Presents Medal of Freedom to ..
    President Bush Honors Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients
    President Bush Holds Last Cabinet Meeting
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President Bush Participates in One Warm Coat Holiday Service Project
    President Bush Meets with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority
    President Bush Visits Walter Reed Army Medical Center
    President and Mrs. Bush Attend Unveiling of Their Portraits
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President Bush Attends APEC CEO Summit 2008
    Vice President's Remarks at the Virginia Military Institute
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President Bush Participates in Demonstration of Alternative Fuel Automobiles
    President Bush Meets with the National Governors Association
    President Bush Presents the Medal of Honor to Lieutenant Colonel Bruce Crandall
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President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Lee of Singapore
    President Bush Visits National University of Singapore
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Vice President Honors Veterans of Korean War
    Vice President Speaks at VFW 103rd National Convention
    Vice President Discusses the President's Economic Security Agenda
    Vice President's Remarks at Economic Forum Technology & Innovation Session
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The Vice President makes remarks at the NRCC Gala Salute to Dick Armey and J.C. Watts
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Dana Perino
    President Bush Participates in Roundtable Meeting on Economy
    President Bush Meets with President Sarkozy of France and President Barroso of the European ...
    President Bush Discusses the Visa Waiver Program
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President Bush Meets with President Adamkus of Lithuania
    President Bush Presents 2007 National Medals of Science and Technology and Innovation
    President Bush Meets with President Yushchenko of Ukraine
    President Bush Participates in Video Teleconference with President Karzai of Afghanistan, ..
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President Bush Honors Colombian Independence Day
    President Bush Welcomes Members of the 2008 United States Summer Olympic Team to the White ..
    President Bush Holds Social Dinner in Honor of United States Past and Present Olympians
    President Bush meets with President Sejdiu and Prime Minister Thaci of the Republic of ..
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