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Division of Bird Habitat Conservation
North American Waterfowl
Management Plan

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Plan Science Support Team (NSST)

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Waterfowl Status Report

These documents affirm the vision of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan to recover waterfowl populations by restoring and managing wetland eosystems, to conserve biological diversity in the western hemisphere, to integrate wildlife conservation with sustainable economic development,and to promote partnerships of public and private agencies,organizations and individuals for conservation. Canada, the United States and Mexico are committed to the ongoing continental effort to restore North America's waterfowl and wetland resources.

In 2005 the North American Waterfowl Management Plan Committee initiated its first continent-wide assessment of the Plan’s goals and accomplishments. This assessment examined what has been accomplished over the past 20 years to determine the extent to which waterfowl populations in North America have benefited from efforts conducted under the Plan’s guidance. The purposes of assessment were to:

This comprehensive analysis was conducted by a group of preeminent waterfowl and habitat scientists from federal, state, and provincial fish and wildlife agencies, universities, and private sector conservation organizations from across North America. The group’s final report, peer review comments, and initial responses from the Plan Committee are included in the documents below.

/birdhabitat/NAWMP/Planstrategy.shtm was last updated 02/27/07 06:59:17
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