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County Level Estimates
National Surveillance Data
State Surveillance Data
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State surveillance data

State surveillance data allows you to view and monitor the trends and complications of diabetes, such as prevalence, hospitalization, duration of diabetes, etc. in a particular US state or territory over time.

You can access state surveillance data from the homepage in the State Surveillance Data section, or by clicking the State Surveillance Data option on the navigation bar.

Selecting a state to view

You can select a state to view in two ways:

  • Select the state from the Select a state drop-down list and click Go.
  • Click on the state on the map.

Tip: When you hover your mouse above a state, the system displays the full name of the state as shown in the following example.

Screenshot of TX mouse over.

When you select a state, the system displays a page from which you can access surveillance data for the selected state or territory as shown in the example below. The links at the top of the page next to the state map allow you to go straight to the associated surveillance data/map. You also have the option of scrolling to the appropriate section.

Graphic of state surveillance data.

The page also displays data source and citation information.

Viewing options (View by)

The View by section at the top of state surveillance graphs allows you to change the data displayed in the graph and the table by selecting an option from the drop-down list and clicking GO. In the example below, you can view the state surveillance data by the total percentage, sex, or age.

Screenshot of viewing options.

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Viewing graphs and tables

State surveillance graphs always display crude and age-adjusted data. For greater accuracy, the system also displays a table below the graph, thereby removing any guesswork while reading the graph. A legend is displayed at the bottom of the page to explain the meaning of the symbols used in the graph. For example, when data is not available, the system displays in the table in place of the missing data. Some tables give you the option of showing and hiding data.

The graphs are displayed based on the option selected in the View by section. The following examples show the state surveillance data for New Mexico viewed by total percentage, sex, and age.

New Mexico state surveillance data viewed by total percentage

Screenshot of graph by total percentage.

New Mexico state surveillance data viewed by sex

Screenshot of graph by sex.

New Mexico state surveillance data viewed by age

Screenshot of graph by age.

Showing/Hiding data in data tables

If a data table contains standard error information, you can show or hide the standard error information by clicking the Hide/Show Standard error link. This link toggles depending on which view is shown.

The following graphic shows a table with the standard error hidden.

Screenshot of table with standard error hidden.

The following graphic shows the same data table with the standard error displayed.

Screenshot of table with standard error shown.

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Methods and Limitations

Methods and limitations information is available for all diabetes trends data. You can click on the Methods and Limitations link to view the following information:

Methodology: System of methods, principles, and rules for gathering the information. This section also includes historical information and dates.

Limitations: Details restraints or restrictions applying to the information.

References: Lists references and reference information.

Note: The Methods and Limitations information is displayed in a new window.

The system also uses interactive maps like the one shown below depicting county level diabetes information in Alabama.

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