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February 13, 2004 Press Statement

A U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Statement
on the Upcoming Release of its Report

The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy will publish its report in two stages. In stage one, the Commission will release a Preliminary Report, which will be available for review and comment by the nation’s governors and interested stakeholders. Notification of the availability of the Preliminary Report will appear in the Federal Register and will include the date by which comments must be received. An electronic copy of the report and detailed instructions for submitting comments will be available on the Commission website, oceancommission.gov, once the report is released.

Stage Two begins when the public comment period closes. At that point, the Commission will take time for a comprehensive review of the comments received from the governors and others. Once all comments are considered, the Commission will prepare and deliver its final report and recommendations on a coordinated and comprehensive national ocean policy to the President and Congress.


Background on the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy

As mandated by the Oceans Act 2000 (P.L. 106-256), the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy will establish findings and make final recommendations to the President and Congress for a coordinated and comprehensive national ocean policy. The new policy will address a broad range of issues, from ocean governance to the stewardship of marine resources and pollution prevention to enhancing and supporting marine science, commerce and transportation.

The Commission began its work in September 2001, with a series of 15 public meetings and additional site visits around the country. During the last two and a half years, Commission members learned first-hand about the most pressing issues facing the nation concerning the use and stewardship of ocean and coastal resources. The Preliminary Report is built on information presented at those meetings, combined with the latest scientific and technical information on oceans and coasts and input from hundreds of experts. Although the Preliminary Report will be a work in progress, its findings and policy recommendations will reflect a consensus of all 16 Commission members and put forward what the Commissioners believe to be a balanced approach to protecting the marine environment while sustaining the vital role oceans and coasts play in our lives and national economy.


Scott Treibitz 703/276-2772 x11
David Roscow 703/276-2772 x21
Kate Naughten 202/309-5476



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