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Fall 2007 Meeting

Preservation Technology and Training Board

National Park Service


Final Agenda

Caribe Hilton Hotel

San Juan, Puerto Rico


Thursday, November 1, 2007

PTT Board arrives at Caribe Hilton Hotel, San Juan

DINNER - on your own

Friday, November 2, 2007: Conference Room 10, Caribe Hilton

BREAKFAST - on your own
9:00 AM Call to Order, Welcome, Introduction of Guests, Opening Remarks, Certification of Meeting, Agenda, Logistics, Approval of Minutes
Judy Bense, Chair
Jon Smith, Designated Federal Official (DFO)
Kirk Cordell, Executive Director
9:15 AM Partners Recognition
Aida Belen Rivera Ruiz, PR SHPO
Karen González Jensen, Deputy PR SHPO
Paul Hartwig, Assoc Director, Cultural & Natural Resources, Partnerships & Interpretation, Southeast Region NPS
Aleta Knight, Deputy Superintendent, San Juan NHP
Barbara Campagna, President, APT
Michael Schuller, Liaison from APT Board
9:30 AM NPS National Report: Cultural Programs Status, Budget Outlook, Policy Trends
Mr. Smith
9:45 AM State of the National Center
Mr. Cordell
10:15 AM Strategic Plan and Friends Group Update
Mr. Cordell
10:30 AM BREAK - catered
10:45 AM Heritage Education
Mr. Cordell
11:00 AM FY2007 Budget Update
Kevin Ammons, Administrative Officer
11:15 AM PTT Grants: FY07 Awards, FY08 Application Process
Mary F. Striegel, Chief, Materials Research
David Morgan, Chief, Archeology & Collections
11:45 AM Materials Research Program
Dr. Striegel
12:15 PM LUNCH - on your own in a Caribe Hilton restaurant
1:15 PM Depart for San Juan National Historic Site (SAJU)
Meet in lobby for group cabs to El Polvorin, El Morro grounds
1:30 PM Field Session at SAJU: Restoration of the Walls of Old San Juan - the Revival of Lime Rendering and Plaster Technologies
Aleta Knight, Deputy Superintendent, SAJU
Edwin Colon, Facility Manager, SAJU
3:30 PM Return to Caribe Hilton
3:45 PM BREAK - catered
4:00 PM Archeology and Collections Program
Dr. Morgan
4:30 PM Architecture and Engineering Program
Andy Ferrell, Chief, Architecture & Engineering Program
5:00 PM Adjourn for day
6:30 PM DINNER - Dutch treat group dinner; location TBD

Saturday, November 3, 2007: Conference Room 10, Caribe Hilton

BREAKFAST - on your own
9:00 AM The Wingspread Conference on Preservation and Sustainability
Robert Silman, Chairman Emeritus
10:00 AM Historic Landscapes Program
Debbie Smith, Chief, Historic Landscapes
10:30 AM BREAK - catered
10:45 AM Training Program Analysis
Dr. Morgan
Dr. Striegel
11:00 AM Preserve America
Mr. Cordell
11:15 AM Wrap-up and Resolutions
12:00 PM Adjourn; End of Official Board Business
LUNCH - on your own

Safe Journey Home to those traveling; those staying for APT may tour fortifications of San Cristobal, El Morro, or historic architecture of Old San Juan.

Please sign your travel vouchers before you leave so we can reimburse you more quickly!

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Phone: (318) 356-7444  ·  Fax: (318) 356-9119

NCPTT - National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
645 University Parkway
Natchitoches, LA 71457

Updated: Thursday, November 01, 2007
Published: Sunday, January 11, 2009

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