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  Field Listing - Public debt

Public debt (% of GDP)
Albania 51.4% of GDP (2007 est.)
Algeria 18% of GDP (2007 est.)
Angola 12% of GDP (2007 est.)
Argentina 56.1% of GDP (2007 est.)
Aruba 46.3% of GDP (2005)
Australia 15.6% of GDP
note: the Commonwealth government eliminated its net debt in 2006, but continues a gross debt issue to support the market for risk-free securities (2007 est.)
Austria 59.1% of GDP (2007 est.)
Azerbaijan 6.7% of GDP (2007 est.)
Bahrain 31.2% of GDP (2007 est.)
Bangladesh 37.4% of GDP (2007 est.)
Belgium 84.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
Bhutan 81.4% of GDP (2004)
Bolivia 46.3% of GDP (2007 est.)
Bosnia and Herzegovina 34% of GDP (2007 est.)
Botswana 5.4% of GDP (2007 est.)
Brazil 45.1% of GDP (2007 est.)
Bulgaria 10.5% of GDP (2007 est.)
Cameroon 15.5% of GDP (2007 est.)
Canada 64.2% of GDP (2007 est.)
Chile 4.1% of GDP (2007 est.)
China 18.4% of GDP (2007 est.)
Colombia 52.8% of GDP (2007 est.)
Costa Rica 46.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
Cote d'Ivoire 75.2% of GDP (2007 est.)
Croatia 47.8% of GDP (2007 est.)
Cuba 36.8% of GDP (2007 est.)
Cyprus 59.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
Czech Republic 26% of GDP (2007 est.)
Denmark 26% of GDP (2007 est.)
Dominican Republic 41% of GDP (2007 est.)
Ecuador 33.1% of GDP (2007 est.)
Egypt 105.8% of GDP (2007 est.)
El Salvador 37.3% of GDP (2007 est.)
Equatorial Guinea 1.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
Estonia 3.4% of GDP (2007 est.)
Ethiopia 44.5% of GDP (2007 est.)
Finland 35.9% of GDP (2007 est.)
France 63.9% of GDP (2007 est.)
Gabon 52.8% of GDP (2007 est.)
Germany 64.9% of GDP (2007 est.)
Ghana 58.5% of GDP (2007 est.)
Gibraltar 15.7% of GDP (2005 est.)
Greece 89.5% of GDP (2007 est.)
Guatemala 20.9% of GDP (2007 est.)
Honduras 24.1% of GDP (2007 est.)
Hong Kong 12.5% of GDP (2007 est.)
Hungary 67% of GDP (2007 est.)
Iceland 27.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
India 58.2% of GDP (federal and state debt combined) (2007 est.)
Indonesia 34% of GDP (2007 est.)
Iran 17.2% of GDP (2007 est.)
Ireland 24.9% of GDP (2007 est.)
Israel 80.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
Italy 104% of GDP (2007 est.)
Jamaica 126.5% of GDP (2007 est.)
Japan 170% of GDP (2007 est.)
Jordan 72.4% of GDP (2007 est.)
Kazakhstan 7.7% of GDP (2007 est.)
Kenya 48.7% of GDP (2007 est.)
Korea, South 28.2% of GDP (2007 est.)
Kosovo NA
Kuwait 9.7% of GDP (2007 est.)
Latvia 7.4% of GDP (2007 est.)
Lebanon 186.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
Libya 4.7% of GDP (2007 est.)
Lithuania 17.3% of GDP (2007 est.)
Luxembourg 6.4% of GDP (2007 est.)
Macedonia 30.8% of GDP (2007 est.)
Malawi 50.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
Malaysia 41.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
Mauritius 63.1% of GDP (2007 est.)
Mexico 22.8% of GDP (2007 est.)
Moldova 23.3% of GDP (2007 est.)
Montenegro 38% of GDP (2006)
Morocco 67.4% of GDP (2007 est.)
Mozambique 22.2% of GDP (2007 est.)
Namibia 22.3% of GDP (2007 est.)
Netherlands 45.5% of GDP (2007 est.)
New Zealand 20.7% of GDP (2007 est.)
Nicaragua 62.9% of GDP (2007 est.)
Nigeria 14.4% of GDP (2007 est.)
Norway 83.1% of GDP (2007 est.)
Oman 3.7% of GDP (2007 est.)
Pakistan 50.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
Panama 53% of GDP (2007 est.)
Papua New Guinea 40.1% of GDP (2007 est.)
Paraguay 27% of GDP (2007 est.)
Peru 29.2% of GDP (2007 est.)
Philippines 55.8% of GDP (2007 est.)
Poland 43.1% of GDP (2007 est.)
Portugal 63.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
Qatar 11% of GDP (2007 est.)
Romania 13% of GDP (2007 est.)
Russia 5.9% of GDP (2007 est.)
Saudi Arabia 24.3% of GDP (2007 est.)
Senegal 22.9% of GDP (2007 est.)
Serbia 37% of GDP (2007 est.)
Seychelles 92.3% of GDP (2007 est.)
Singapore 96.3% of GDP (2007 est.)
Slovakia 35.9% of GDP (2007 est.)
Slovenia 23.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
South Africa 31.3% of GDP (2007 est.)
Spain 36.2% of GDP (2007 est.)
Sri Lanka 85.8% of GDP (2007 est.)
Sudan 105.9% of GDP (2007 est.)
Sweden 41.7% of GDP (2007 est.)
Switzerland 44.2% of GDP (2007 est.)
Syria 37.7% of GDP (2007 est.)
Taiwan 27.9% of GDP (2007 est.)
Tanzania 19.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
Thailand 37.9% of GDP (2007 est.)
Trinidad and Tobago 27.9% of GDP (2007 est.)
Tunisia 55.4% of GDP (2007 est.)
Turkey 38.9% of GDP (2007 est.)
Uganda 20.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
Ukraine 11.7% of GDP (2007 est.)
United Arab Emirates 21.2% of GDP (2007 est.)
United Kingdom 43.6% of GDP (2007 est.)
United States 60.8% of GDP (2007 est.)
Uruguay 64.8% of GDP (2007 est.)
Uzbekistan 18.7% of GDP (2007 est.)
Venezuela 19.3% of GDP (2007 est.)
Vietnam 42% of GDP (2007 est.)
Wallis and Futuna 5.6% of GDP (2004 est.)
Yemen 33.5% of GDP (2007 est.)
Zambia 28.1% of GDP (2007 est.)
Zimbabwe 218.2% of GDP (2007 est.)

This page was last updated on 18 December 2008

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