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Topic: Home > News > News Releases

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Dana Perino
MS. PERINO: A couple things for you. We are on our way to Alexandria, Louisiana, where the President will meet with the Central ... - 17.2KB
20 Oct 08
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Statement by Press Secretary Dana Perino
The United States joins with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in condemning in the strongest terms the October .. - 5.0KB
20 Oct 08
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Personnel Announcement
President George W. Bush today announced that he has named three individuals to serve in his Administration: Jon C. Brause, Barrett Karr, ... - 5.2KB
20 Oct 08
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President Bush Signs H.R. 5159 and S. 3197 Into Law
On Monday, October 20, 2008, the President signed into law: H.R. 5159 and S. 3197. - 4.0KB
20 Oct 08
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President Bush Meets with President Sarkozy of France and President Barroso of the European ...
President Bush on Saturday said, "This is a trying time for all our nations. I am confident that we will .. - 16.6KB
18 Oct 08
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Statement of the United States, France and the Presidency of the European Commission
The three leaders had a very positive discussion about the continued coordination of steps needed to solve .. - 4.9KB
18 Oct 08
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President's Radio Address
In his weekly radio address President Bush said, "In the long run, the American people can have confidence that our economy will bounce back ... - 9.8KB
18 Oct 08
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President Bush Discusses the Visa Waiver Program
President Bush on Friday said, "I believe the best foreign policy for America is one that lets people from other countries get .. - 10.0KB
17 Oct 08
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Press Briefing by Press Secretary Dana Perino
Watch Friday's Press Briefing with White House Press Secretary Dana Perino - 20.0KB
17 Oct 08
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Fact Sheet: Extending Travel Opportunities to Our Allies
Today, President Bush hosted representatives from seven nations that have met the criteria for admission into the United .. - 7.4KB
17 Oct 08
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