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Topic: Home > News > News Releases

Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Terrorists Who Threaten to ..
On January 23, 1995, by Executive Order 12947, the President declared a national emergency pursuant to the .. - 5.5KB
15 Jan 09
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Memorandum for the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury
SUBJECT: Limited Waiver of Certain Sanctions Imposed by, and Delegation of Certain Authorities Pursuant to, the Tom .. - 7.6KB
15 Jan 09
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Press Briefing by Press Secretary Dana Perino and Counselor to the President Ed Gillespie
Watch Thursday's Press Briefing with White House Press Secretary Dana Perino and Counselor to the .. - 34.0KB
15 Jan 09
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Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Vermont
The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of Vermont and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local .. - 4.6KB
14 Jan 09
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Press Briefing by Press Secretary Dana Perino
Watch Wednesday's Press Briefing with White House Press Secretary Dana Perino - 19.2KB
14 Jan 09
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Recipients of Medal of Freedom
Recipients of the Presidential Medal of Honor - 5.7KB
13 Jan 09
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President Bush Honors Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients
President Bush on Tuesday said, "Each of these gentlemen we honor today has his own style and personality, and each has ... - 23.3KB
13 Jan 09
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Mrs. Bush's Remarks During Visit to Little Flower School
MRS. BUSH: Thank you all. I'm very happy to be here today. One of the things I've been most interested in over the last eight .. - 6.5KB
13 Jan 09
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Live Interview of the Vice President by Bill Bennett, Morning in America
Q Good morning, Mr. Vice President. THE VICE PRESIDENT: Good morning, Bill. Q Thank you so much. THE VICE PRESIDENT: .. - 15.5KB
13 Jan 09
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Religious Freedom Day, 2009
Religious freedom is the foundation of a healthy and hopeful society. On Religious Freedom Day, we recognize the importance of the .. - 6.0KB
13 Jan 09
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